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Resumen de investigación: Brechas de género en la gestión de la infraestructura natural y el agua en el Perú
Resumen de políticas: Oportunidades y herramientas para la promoción de inversiones e intervenciones de recuperación y protección de la infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica
Contribuciones potenciales de la infraestructura preincaica de infiltración de agua para la seguridad hídrica en los Andes
A Technical Primer for Quantifying the Benefits of Watershed Interventions: Forest Thinning Management
A Technical Primer on Quantifying Benefits of Watershed Interventions: Riparian Buffers
Green Infrastructure in the Drinking Water Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Investments in Watershed Services for Moyobamba on Subwatersheds of the Alto Mayo, Department of San Martín, Peru
Investments in Watershed Services for the Cañete Watershed, Department of Lima, Peru
Investments in Watershed Services for the Jequetepeque Watershed in Northwestern Peru, Departments of Cajamarca and La Libertad
Investments in Watershed Services for the Rimac Watershed, Department of Lima, Peru
Initial Recommendations for the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in Investments in Watershed Services Programs