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How the EUDR can support Brazil’s path to zero deforestation
¿Cómo puede beneficiar la financiación climática a las comunidades con bosques en pie?
Como o financiamento climático pode funcionar para comunidades com florestas em pé
How climate finance can work for communities with standing forests
O Mecanismo de Governança Territorial lança projetos com comunidades locais e indígenas no Peru, Equador, Costa Rica e Panamá
El Mecanismo de Gobernanza Territorial pone en marcha proyectos con comunidades locales e indígenas en Perú, Ecuador, Costa Rica y Panamá
The Territorial Governance Facility launches projects with local and indigenous communities in Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Panama
Por que os direitos indígenas são fundamentais para a nova regulamentação do mercado de carbono do Brasil
Why indigenous rights are central to Brazil’s new carbon market regulation
How Brazil can restore an area twice the size of Germany
6 New Indigenous Territories Officially Recognized in Brazil
Four Lessons from Cacoal, Brazil: How to Engage Indigenous Communities in Climate Finance
The legal structure for biodiversity benefits-sharing already exists in Brazil. Here’s how it can serve communities
Seminário de Financiamento Climático e Territórios Indígenas acontece em Cacoal, Rondônia
What Brazil’s new government means for indigenous and local forest-based economies
Mecanismo de Gobernanza Territorial para Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales
Los derechos sobre el carbono en Ecuador
A New Mechanism to Strengthen Territorial Governance Moves Forward in Peru
From Indigenous Territories to Markets
Dos Territórios Indígenas aos Mercados
Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities Territorial Governance Facility
However You Look at It, Our Future is Forests
Using local knowledge and materials is the ultimate gift: A conversation with Paula Ellinger
COVID-19 Impacts: Conversations on the past, present, and future aspirations of young indigenous women in Latin America
Impactos de la COVID-19: Conversaciones sobre las aspiraciones pasadas, presentes y futuras de las jóvenes indígenas en América Latina
PPA Announces Support for the Project “Our Forest, Our Home – Tupi Mosaic”
An Amazon Bioeconomy is a path forward for Brazil
“I saw the collision of two worlds.” Estêvão Ciavatta on the frontlines of forest conflict in the Amazon
“If they disappear, so will that rainforest.” Céline Cousteau presents Tribes on the Edge
The Long View: A Conversation with Céline Cousteau
How to Redesign Climate Funding to Better Support the Amazon’s Indigenous Communities
Until the sun stops shining: Stories of indigenous resilience
Territories with Minimal or No Deforestation
The children’s toy industry is a hidden opportunity to make progress in the fight against climate change
Indigenous Communities are the Last Defenders of the Amazon. They’re Being Devastated by COVID-19.
How Indigenous Technology Can Drive New Discoveries In Western Medicine
A Call to Action at COP25: Climate Finance Must Stop Excluding Indigenous Communities
The Story of the Surui Forest Carbon Project
Cultural Mediators: Bridging Two Worlds
Local Communities – Global Impact
Amazonian Tribe Shares the Secret of Treating Snake Bites
Surui and Yawanawa Etch Their Past into the Future
A Path for Forests and the Planet
Yawanawa Indigenous Leaders Tell Their Comeback Story at TEDWomen 2016
Saving Traditions, Saving Lives, One Plant at a Time
Indigenous Cultures Trade Insights Deep in the Brazilian Amazon
Amazon Cuisine Can Spark a New “Rainforest to Table” Movement
Forest Trends Helps Brazil’s Yawanawá People Build Common Ground
For Yawanawá Women, Tradition Meets Entrepreneurship During Semana Yawá