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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

A Tool for Prioritizing Sub-National REDD+ Activities - Case Studies from Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends
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This report describes the REDD+ Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) methodology, and summarises the experience of developing and using it in three case study countries Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana. ROSE is a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities, and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, and institutional framework for �terrestrial� carbon finance. The ROSE tool is therefore relevant to REDD+ at both the sub-national and national levels.

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Implications of the Legal and Policy Framework for Tree and Forest Carbon in Ghana

REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

By Rebecca Asare - Forest Trends
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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise for Ghana

ROSE Expert Workshop

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends
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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE), Uganda

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REDD Opportunities in Uganda

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