State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021
Installment 1: Market in Motion
By Stephen Donofrio, Patrick Maguire, Kim Myers, Christopher Daley, and Katherine LinThis first installment of EM’s flagship State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets (SOVCM) 2021 report offers insights into key trends and developments related to international voluntary carbon credits (also referred to as carbon offsets), based upon aggregated and anonymized EM Global Carbon Survey Respondent-reported data and interviews.
Papua New Guinea Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsPapua New Guinea’s (PNG) logging and land clearance for agricultural projects occur predominantly in natural forest areas. The majority of exports are roundlogs. There is little plantation production and only a limited number of processing facilities. There are reportedly serious governance and corruption challenges highly relevant to the forestry sector. Multiple official inquiries and independent […]
Peru Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsIllegal logging is widespread and a high percentage of Peru’s timber exports are high-risk for illegal harvest. Fraud and corruption are common and there is a risk that illegal timber is laundered into supply chains for all species. Official documentation is therefore not, in and of itself, sufficient to guarantee the legal origin of timber […]
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Republic of the Congo Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsDespite improvements to the legislative framework for forest management in 2020, illegal logging remains pervasive in the Republic of the Congo (ROC). The security situation in ROC is improving following a decade of violence in the 1990s, but corruption reportedly permeates almost every sector of the economy. ROC has restricted exports of unprocessed products since […]
Ukraine Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsUkraine’s political context, including policies, institutional governance, and management of forests is rapidly evolving. Most information available to international audiences related to illegal activities in the forest sector has been driven by high profile investigations released in 2018 and 2020 by the NGO Earthsight. This includes allegations of illegal timber entering FSC-certified timber supply chains. […]
Indonesia Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsIndonesia is the first, and currently, only, country in the world with an operational Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) licensing scheme. This means that the Government of Indonesia has made significant efforts to develop a mandatory national system to track and verify legality and control illegal timber, called the Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu […]
Zambia Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsDespite improvements to the legislative framework for forest management, particularly over the last decade, illegal logging is still reportedly widespread in Zambia. The majority of Zambia’s timber trade is with China, where high proportions of logs and sawnwood are exported illegally without valid harvest/sawmill licenses. Intermittent harvest moratoria and export bans for some species have […]
Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: Gabon
By Forest TrendsGabon is a relatively small African nation (30th in size in Africa), with a national population of just 1.5 million, or less than 7 inhabitants per hectare on average. Gabon is home to the ecologically significant Congo Rainforest system that it shares with its neighbors: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of the Congo. The […]
Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: Bolivia
By Forest TrendsBolivia’s forest area is estimated at 50.8 million hectares (40 percent of its territory) mainly located in the east and north of the country. Bolivia has seen a 9.5 percent decrease in forest cover since 2000, with soaring rates of forest destruction widely reported in 2019 and 2020. Bolivia became the third highest country globally […]
Mexico Timber Legality Risk Dashboard
By Forest TrendsEstimates suggest that between 30 percent and 70 percent of all wood harvested in Mexico is illegal, amounting to between 5 and 14 million m3 of illegal supply annually. Illegal logging is tied with organized crime, drugs, and human trafficking as well as human rights violations. Violence is forcing displacement of farmers and indigenous peoples […]