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Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: Cambodia

By Forest Trends

Cambodia has seen high rates of forest loss over the last few decades. Between 1973 and 1993 the country saw an annual rate of forest loss of approximately 0.5 percent. Such losses were reportedly caused by commercial logging and 30 years of civil war and political instability.49 As deforestation rates continued to increase, the government […]

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Lao PDR Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

By Forest Trends

The Government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) has developed new legislation, policies, and plans to promote economic development through socially and environmentally sustainable forest management but illegal logging remains a challenge. There are risks associated with the land allocation process in Lao PDR and corruption persists, though this risk has been diminished by […]

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Communities Investments Water

Avanzando hacia la Igualdad de Género en la Gestión del Agua

By Patricia Carrillo Montenegro, Lucas Benites Elorreaga

Los hitos que describimos a continuación son resultado de muchos esfuerzos provenientes de diversas instituciones y personas del ámbito público, privado, cooperación, sociedad civil, academia y de las mujeres involucradas con el cuidado de las fuentes de agua en sus territorios. Consideramos que cada uno de los avances es un aporte importante para la generación[…]

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Communities Water

Haciendo el Camino

Resultados del Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica a setiembre del 2021

By Gena Gammie, Lucas Benítes Elorreaga, Fernando Momiy Hada

Este reporte presenta los principales resultados del Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica (“el Proyecto INSH”). Los logros son compartidos con un grupo amplio de aliados, a quienes reconocemos y agradecemos profundamente por su colaboración y liderazgo a favor de un futuro sostenible. Los logros que se presentan han sido posibles a pesar de […]

Dependent Documents

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Journey Towards Water Security

Results to date - Natural Infraestructure for Water Security Project, September 2021

By Gena Gammie, Lucas Benítes Elorreaga, Fernando Momiy Hada
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Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: Cameroon

By Forest Trends

Cameroon’s forest area is estimated at 20.3 million hectares or 43 percent of the total land area. Cameroon has a long tradition of commercial logging, with the forestry sector contributing 6 percent of the country’s GDP and providing about $124 million of tax revenues to the state based on estimates for 2012. Most of Cameroon’s […]

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Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: China

By Forest Trends

China’s domestic supply of industrial wood has failed to keep up with its industrial manufacturing capacity. To meet this deficit, China relies on significant volumes of wood product imports. Logging in China’s natural forests is prohibited, and domestic plantation-grown raw material (primarily poplar, eucalyptus, masson pine, and Chinese fir) are generally considered low-risk. Many similar […]

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Thailand Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

By Forest Trends

Thailand’s forest area has remained relatively stable above 30 percent of the total land area since 2014. This reflects some localized high rates of natural forest loss in the north of the country accompanied by strong reforestation and plantation development policies. Thailand has banned harvesting from natural forests since 1989 which means that the main […]

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Ghana Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

By Forest Trends

Ghana was one of the first countries to have signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the European Union (EU) in 2009. Twelve years later, Ghana is poised to become the first country in Africa to issue Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) timber licenses, thereby enabling all its licensed timber products to automatically […]

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Vietnam Timber Legality Risk Dashboard

By Forest Trends

On September 1, 2020, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 102/2020/ND-CP enacting Vietnam’s Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS) as part of its commitments under the Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), a bilateral trade agreement with the European Union, but which covers all timber imported and exported from Vietnam. One […]

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Climate Investments

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021

Installment 1: Market in Motion

By Stephen Donofrio, Patrick Maguire, Kim Myers, Christopher Daley, and Katherine Lin

This first installment of EM’s flagship State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets (SOVCM) 2021 report offers insights into key trends and developments related to international voluntary carbon credits (also referred to as carbon offsets), based upon aggregated and anonymized EM Global Carbon Survey Respondent-reported data and interviews.