Ficha resumen del Proyecto Milloc
Ficha resumen del Proyecto “Recuperación del servicio ecosistémico de regulación hídrica de la Microcuenca de Milloc en la comunidad de Carampoma, Huarochirí. Departamento de Lima.
Navigating the False Dichotomy Between Legality and Zero Deforestation
An International Partnership Pathway to Reducing Agro-conversion
By Michael WolosinDeforestation and other natural ecosystem loss are wreaking havoc on the climate, on biodiversity, on human rights, and on ecosystem resilience across the tropics. About 60 percent of recent tropical forest loss was caused by commercial agriculture. At least 69 percent of this agro-conversion was illegal. A diverse set of global strategies has advanced over[…]
Guía de modelación hidrológica para la infraestructura natural
By Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, José Cuadros-Adriazola, Edwing Arapa Guzman, Natalia Aste Cannock, Eric Ochoa-Tocachi, Vivien BonnesoeurEste documento es nuestra respuesta a la necesidad de contar con una guía para la evaluación cuantitativa de los impactos hídricos de las intervenciones sobre la infraestructura natural que sea accesible para equipos integrados de responsables de la toma de decisiones y especialistas técnicos. Esperamos que este documento sea una contribución valiosa al diseño, evaluación[…]
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Guide to Hydrologic Modeling of Natural Infrastructure
By Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, José Cuadros-Adriazola, Edwing Arapa, Natalia Aste, Eric Ochoa-Tocachi, Vivien BonnesoeurEmail Signup
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LEGAL ACQUISITION FINDINGS: A Handbook by Forest Trends and Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Verifying legal acquisition is one of the key requirements for the issuance of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) export permit. However, the Convention leaves the decision on how to determine whether the specimen was acquired legally to the Parties. It is therefore key that guidelines for[…]
Dos Territórios Indígenas aos Mercados
Agora é hora de focar a atenção do mercado e dos consumidores em produtos que sustentem as florestas e suas comunidades, com estratégias locais que tenham impacto global, criando benefícios diretos e mensuráveis para as comunidades da floresta e um clima seguro para todos nós. É urgente a criação de políticas, mercados, infraestrutura e conexões […]
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Forest Trends Impact Report 2021
We are a conservation organization. But as you turn the pages of this Impact Report, you’ll find not untouched natural landscapes, but people — the faces of the people we work with every day. “Conservation,” in the sense of putting up a fence around a pristine area, is a 20th-century idea. That approach may still […]
Abriendo el caño: estado del financiamiento en la infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica en el Perú, 2021
By Gena Gammie, Lucas Benites ElorreagaEl presente estudio revela que cada vez más autoridades del Estado y gestores del agua en el Perú reconocen el rol indispensable que juega la infraestructura natural y las técnicas ancestrales en la gestión de los riesgos hídricos. Como veremos, el financiamiento en intervenciones que mantienen, recuperan y mejoran la infraestructura natural para la seguridad[…]
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Opening the Tap: State of Finance for Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru, 2021
By Gena Gammie, Lucas Benites ElorreagaBolivian Exports of Wooden Flooring: What Do We Know About the Risks of Illegal Logging and Trade?
By Marigold Norman and Alfredo Rodriguez ZuninoSouth America’s wood products industry is known for its production of flooring, molding, and strip products made from high value species such as cumaru (Dipteryx spp.), ipê (Handroanthus spp.; Tabebuia spp.), and many other lesser-known species. In 2019, South American companies exported more than US$946 million of flooring products – accounting for 20 percent of[…]
Timber Legality Risk Dashboard: Democratic Republic of the Congo
By Forest TrendsThe DRC’s forest area is estimated at 155 million hectares (70 percent of DRC total area and 60 percent of the Congo Basin’s forest area). Deforestation rates have almost doubled in the last decade (2010-2020) compared with 2000-2010. The DRC reported a loss of over one million hectares annually between 2010 and 2020, the third […]
Nature for Climate Action: Nationally Determined Contributions
Policy strategies for managing deep uncertainty with deep resilience
By Jan Cassin, Kari Davis, and John H. MatthewsFailing to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is one of the greatest risks facing the world today. However, even dramatic cuts in emissions at this stage will only begin to slow the rate of climate change. As of the middle of 2021, ever dramatic impacts of climate change are already here, and we need to […]