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China’s International Wood Trade: A Review, 2011-2020

By Michael Richards, Naomi Basik Treanor, Xiufang Sun, and Sofia Tenorio Fenton

Over the past ten years, China has announced high level commitments to address climate change, including making pledges to exclude timber and agricultural products linked to illegal deforestation. At the same time, Chinese industries have made similar voluntary commitments. This report reviews China’s international trade in forest products over the last decade (2011 to 2020), […]

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Illegal Deforestation for Forest-risk Commodities Dashboard: Nigeria

By Forest Trends

Nigeria’s production of forest-risk commodities is likely to increase in the future – the population is projected to grow from 206 million in 2020 to 400 million by 2050. More than half will live in urban areas with higher temperatures and more extreme weather events due to climate change. Agriculture in Nigeria constitutes 21 percent […]

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Illegal Deforestation for Forest-risk Commodities Dashboard: Brazil

By Forest Trends

Illegal deforestation has soared since 2016, particularly in natural forests. In 2020, deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rose to its highest level in more than a decade, and recent reports for January-March 2022 indicate that forest clearances in the region are the highest ever recorded. While Brazil saw dramatic reductions in deforestation and illegal clearances in […]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento

Entendendo LEAF e ART TREES

O Programa Redução de Emissões Acelerando o Financiamento Florestal (LEAF, sigla em inglês: The Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance) foi lançado pela Coalizão LEAF, um grupo inicialmente formado por governos e empresas, com o objetivo de mobilizar o financiamento para apoiar as jurisdições (estados, províncias, municípios) com florestas tropicais e subtropicais para alcançar reduções […]

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O que é REDD+ Jurisdicional?

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 1

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Características chave do Programa LEAF e Padrão ART-TREEs

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 2

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LEAF e Povos Indígenas e Comunidades Locais

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 3

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O aninhamento de projetos e direitos de carbono

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 4

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Alta cobertura florestal e desmatamento mínimo ou zero High Forest, Low Deforestation (HFLD)

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 5

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Como funcionam os mercados voluntários de carbono

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 6

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Compreendendo REDD+

Acesso a financiamento para reduzir o desmatamento cartilha 7

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Agriculture Investments

Corporate Progress on No Deforestation and “Nature Positive” Post 2020

By Philip Rothrock, Kate Ellis, Laura Weatherer

Despite corporate efforts to increase sustainable land-use practices in recent years, the production of forest–risk commodities remains a significant driver of global deforestation and climate change. While many companies have fallen short of achieving ambitious commitments to address commodity-driven deforestation, efforts to align with ambitious 2030 global climate targets have been gaining momentum. Encouragingly, companies, […]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación

Entendiendo LEAF y ART TREES

El Programa Reducción de Emisiones Acelerando el Financiamiento Forestal (LEAF, por su sigla en inglés: The Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance) fue lanzada por la Coalición LEAF, un grupo inicial de gobiernos y empresas líderes, con el objetivo de movilizar el financiamiento para apoyar a las jurisdicciones de bosques tropicales y subtropicales a lograr […]

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¿Qué es REDD+ Jurisdiccional?

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 1

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Características clave del Programa LEAF y Standard ART-TREEs

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 2

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LEAF y Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 3

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El anidamiento de proyectos y derechos de carbono

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 4

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Alta cubierta forestal y mínima o nula deforestación (High Forest, Low Deforestation; HFLD)

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 5

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Cómo actúan los mercados voluntarios de carbono

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 6

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Comprendiendo REDD+

Acceso al financiamiento para reducir la deforestación Cartilla 7

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El rol de la Infraestructura Natural en las recomendaciones de la OCDE para la Gobernanza del Agua en el Perú

En este documento identificamos los argumentos de la OCDE que sustentan la importancia de conservar y restaurar la infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica del país, así como la necesidad de invertir en ella; asimismo, reseñamos las recomendaciones de la OCDE vinculadas a infraestructura natural sobre las que se requiere reflexionar con la finalidad de[…]

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Demand for Luxury Decks in Europe and North America is Pushing Ipê to the Brink of Extinction Across the Amazon Basin and Threatening the Forest Frontier

By Marigold Norman and Alfredo Rodriguez Zunino

“Ipê,” the trade name for several high-value species in the Handroanthus, Tabebuia, and Roseodendron genera, is critically overexploited and at risk of extinction. Predominantly used in exterior decking and flooring, 85% of the demand for ipê comes from American, Canadian, and European markets. Over the last 30 years, ipê populations have severely declined, with at[…]

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Communities Forests

Myanmar’s Timber Trade One Year Since the Coup

The Impact of International Sanctions

On February 1st, 2021, the military launched a coup d’état against the newly re-elected government of Myanmar. Over the past year, the military junta has been accused of massive human rights violations, arresting more than 12,000 people, killing more than 1,500, and instigating a growing humanitarian crisis that has seen more than 400,000 internally displaced[…]

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Forests Water

Servicios ecosistémicos hídricos de los pajonales altoandinos: ¿Qué sabemos?

By Giovanny M. Mosquera, Franklin Marín, Margaret Stern, Vivien Bonnesoeur, Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, Francisco Román-Dañobeytia.

Este documento presenta los principales resultados de una revisión sistemática de literatura relativa al funcionamiento hidrológico de los pajonales altoandinos en los Andes tropicales, así como de los impactos del cambio de uso del suelo y los efectos de las prácticas de restauración en dicho funcionamiento. La síntesis y evaluación de información existente son indispensables[…]