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Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Chinese Forest Products Exporters

By R. Juge Gregg, Amelia Porges - Sidley Austin LLP, Sidley Austin LLP, Forest Trends

A recently passed law gives the U.S. government the power to fine, and even jail, individuals and companies who traffic in illegally harvested wood products. The U.S. government can even use this law, called the Lacey Act, to impose significant penalties on individuals and companies who do not realize that their wood is tainted. This […]

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Chinese Version: Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Chinese Forest Products Exporters

By R. Juge Gregg, Amelia Porges - Sidley Austin LLP, Sidley Austin LLP, Forset Trends
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Forests Investments

Forest Products Trade Between China & Africa

An Analysis of Imports & Exports

By Kerstin Canby, James Hewitt, Luke Bailey, Eugenia Katsigris, Xiufang Sun - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Global Timber

Recent reports of China’s efforts to secure access to natural resources in Africa suggest that timber has already become an important traded commodity between China and the African continent. Many hold a general impression that Africa exports a significant and growing amount of timber to China. However, the true magnitude of the China-Africa forest product […]

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Recent Developments in Forest Product Trade between Russia and China

Potential Production, Processing, Consumption and Trade Scenarios

By Steven Northway , Gary Q. Bull, Anatoly Shvidenko, Luke Bailey - University of British Columbia, Forest Trends, University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry

China has a very significant role in the global timber market and this has significant ramifications for forests, forest livelihoods and the structure of forest industries around the world. In this report we will focus on possible future trends in the forest products-processing, consumption and trade between China and its main suppliers, with a particular […]

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Amendment to the U.S. Lacey Act

Implications for Malaysian Forest Products Exporters

By R. Juge Gregg , Amelia Porges - Sidley Austin LLP, Sidley Austin LLP, Forest Trends

Malaysia is one of the largest producers and suppliers of tropical hardwood and related products destined for the United States. In 2007, the United States imported almost 2.2 m3 RWE of timber products from Malaysia – mostly plywood and furniture – totaling USD$1.1 billion in value. Sabah and Sarawak supply the great majority of the […]

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Linking FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements to Jobs and Growth

Potential Challenges and Benefits for Small and Medium Sized Forest Enterprises

By Dominic Elson - DFID, Forest Trends

This brief report discusses the potential impact of the European Commission’s Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) on the extent to which improved investment and business climates supported by VPA programs can support the small and medium forest enterprise (SMFE) sector. Recognizing the important roles that SMFEs play in rural development and the alleviation of rural poverty, […]

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Rights and Resources Initiative

A New Global Initiative Advancing Forest Tenure, Policy and Market Reforms to Reduce Rural Poverty, Strengthen Forest Gove

Many communities are asserting their rights to manage their forests, and some governments and private sector leaders are introducing substantive changes to forest tenure, policies and markets. The forest sector is now undergoing important reforms.

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Who Owns, Who Conserves and Why It Matters

By Andy White, Augusta Molnar, Arvind Khare - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

When thinking about forest tenure and conservation, it is important to recall that there are somewhere between 1 and 1.5 billion of the world’s poorest people living in and around forests. Recent studies indicate that about 80 per cent of the extreme poor – those living on less than one dollar a day – depend […]

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Communities Forests

An Assessment of Indigenous Participation in Commercial Forestry Markets

The Case of Nicaragua's Northern Atlantic Autonomous Region

By J. Montgomery Roper, Ph.D - Forest Trends

Nicaragua’s Northern Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) contains a wealth of tropical forests and has a long history of forest exploitation. Nicaragua contains the largest tropical forest north of Amazonia with nearly 23,000 km2 of broadleaf and nearly 6,000 km2 of pine forest. Over three quarters of these forests are located in the Northern Atlantic Autonomous […]

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To Johannesburg and Beyond

Strategic Options to Advance the Conservation of Natural Forests

By Andy White, Augusta Molnar, and Sara Scherr - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

As global concern for continuing deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries grows in intensity, there is also disenchantment – even weariness – with global agreements and international initiatives to address these issues. While they are broadly appreciated for raising awareness – the energy and effort that go into global institutions has not been matched […]

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Strengthening Forest Management in Indonesia through Land Tenure Reform

Issues and Framework for Action

By Dr. Arnoldo Contreras-Hermosilla , Chip Fay - Forest Trends, World Agroforestry Center, MFP, Rights & Resources, IHSA, Greenomics Indonesia, The World Bank, DFID, Ford Foundation

In Indonesia, as in many developing countries, the government is struggling to improve the management of their dwindling forest resources. Despite government efforts, Indonesia still has large tracts of primary and secondary forest ecosystems that are under intense threat from both industry and local people.