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Tools for the Tides

Exploring Coastal and Marine Markets

By Ecosystem Marketplace, Forest Trends, Katoomba Group

Global climate-change talks in Copenhagen might not have yielded a new greenhouse-gas protocol, but they did yield an agreement on the need to develop financing mechanisms that reward people in developing countries for saving their rainforests and adopting sustainable landuse practices — both of which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon in trees […]

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Beyond Borders

PES and REDD in the ASEAN Region

By Ecosystem Marketplace, Forest Trends, Katoomba Group

An Insight Series publication covering: Payments for Ecosystem Services: Scaling Up…and Down State of the Forest Carbon Markets Asia Round Peg, Square Hole: Forest Carbon under Existing Law in Southeast Asia Oddar Meanchey: REDD in Cambodia Participatory Forest Management EM Cheat Sheet: What is a Social Impact Assessment? Asian Governments Explore Ecosystem Markets for Environmental […]

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State of Watershed Payments 2010

An Emerging Marketplace

By Tracy Stanton, Marta Echavarria, Katherine Hamilton, Caroline Ott - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace

How can we as a society address the many problems that plague the waterfront? How do we get people to be more mindful about their water use? How do we regulate pollution flowing into our waterways? How do we put a stop to the growing number of dead zones around the world? And how do […]

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Executive Summary: State of Watershed Payments

An Emerging Marketplace

By Tracy Stanton, Marta Echavarria, Katherine Hamilton, Caroline Ott - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace
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Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects

Part I - Core Guidance for Project Proponents

By Michael Richards, Steve Panfil - Forest Trends, CCBA

Forest Trends, CCBA, FFI, and Rainforest Alliance have published Version 1.0 of a Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects. The Manual is designed to be used by carbon project proponents aiming for validation under the CCB Standards, or other multiple-benefit carbon standards. The NGOs involved in this initiative believe that a combination […]

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Manual para la Evaluación del Impacto Social de los Proyectos de Carbono Terrestre

By Michael Richards, Steve Panfil - Forest Trends, CCBA
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Climate Communities

Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects

Part II - Toolbox of Methods and Support Materials

By Michael Richards, Steve Panfil - Forest Trends, CCBA

Forest Trends, CCBA, FFI, and Rainforest Alliance have published Version 1.0 of a Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects. The Manual is designed to be used by carbon project proponents aiming for validation under the CCB Standards, or other multiple-benefit carbon standards. The NGOs involved in this initiative believe that a combination […]

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Manual para la Evaluación del Impacto Social de los Proyectos de Carbono Terrestre

By Michael Richards, Steve Panfil - Forest Trends, CCBA
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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

A Tool for Prioritizing Sub-National REDD+ Activities - Case Studies from Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends

This report describes the REDD+ Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) methodology, and summarises the experience of developing and using it in three case study countries Tanzania, Uganda and Ghana. ROSE is a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities, and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, […]

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Implications of the Legal and Policy Framework for Tree and Forest Carbon in Ghana

REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

By Rebecca Asare - Forest Trends
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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise for Ghana

ROSE Expert Workshop

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends
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Getting Started on REDD in Tanzania

A Scoping Study for the Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator

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The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE), Uganda

By Sara Namirembe, Onesmus Mugyenyi - Forest Trends/Katoomba Incubator, ACODE
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Katoomba Issue Brief

REDD Opportunities in Uganda

By Slayde Hawkins - Forest Trends/Katoomba Incubator
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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2010

Building Bridges

By Kate Hamilton, Milo Sjardin, Molly Peters-Stanley, Thomas Marcello

This fourth annual State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report is designed to give a market‐wide perspective on trading volumes, credit prices, project types, locations, and the motivations of buyers in this market. Findings are based on data voluntarily reported by 200 offset suppliers, as well as exchanges and registries. Because of the challenges of […]

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Climate Communities

Aprendiendo sobre Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

El propósito de este manual es introducir líderes comunitarios, agentes del gobierno, técnicos de ONGs y otros actores a los conceptos básicos relacionados al cambio climático y pagos por servicios ambientales, con un enfoque en el mercado de carbono, de una forma clara y didáctica.

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Communities Forests Investments

Quotas, Powers, Patronage, and Illegal Rent-Seeking

The Political Economy and the Timber Trade in Southern Laos

By Ian G. Baird

Forests are extremely important to the people of Laos. They are the basis for the livelihoods of most of those living in rural areas, especially the poor and Laos’ large population of indigenous peoples. Forests are also an important source of government revenue, and Lao forests are being increasingly recognized for the high levels of […]

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Aprendendo sobre Serviços Ambientais

By Marina Campos

Pagamentos por serviços ambientais (PSA), tais como os mercados de carbono, têm o potencial de gerar novas fontes de recursos para a conservação da biodiversidade e melhorar os meios de sustento das comunidades locais. Na medida em que esquemas de crédito de carbono, tais como seqüestro de carbono por reflorestamento e redução das emissões do […]