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Advancing Biochar in the Chesapeake

A Strategy to Reduce Pollution from Poultry Litter

By Phil Covell, Gena Gammie, Suzanne Hunt, Lopa Brunjes, Fai Ng, Dan Nees - Forest Trends/Katoomba Incubator, Forest Trends/Katoomba Incubator, Carbon War Room, Carbon War Room, Carbon War Room, Forest Trends/Chesapeake Fund

This report highlights the insights gleaned from a two-day feasibility and project design charrette on poultry litter biochar for sustainable nutrient management in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It also integrates discussions that have since ensued with workshop participants and other experts in the field in order to illustrate whether and how biochar production and application […]

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Overview of Forest Governance, Markets and Trade

By Sun Xiufang, Kerstin Canby - Forest Trends, Forest Trends

In 2009, the Chinese wood products industry posted historic highs in terms of imports, production, and market activity. Trade data shows that 2009 imports of forest products were the highest on record, and domestic harvesting reached its highest peak in history in 2008. Domestic markets are booming, and while exports are down by volume, by […]

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Overview of Forest Governance, Markets and Trade (Chinese)

By Sun Xiufang, Kerstin Canby - Forest Trends, Forest Trends
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Building Forest Carbon Projects

Step-by-Step Overview and Guide

By Johannes Ebeling, Jacob Olander - Forest Trends

(NOTE: Only the Overview and Guide part of this series can be downloaded from the link herein; the other eight guidance documents need to be downloaded from their respective Dependent Document sub-pages). Forest projects around the world are working to confront the practical challenges of reducing emissions and providing local benefits. To facilitate the development of […]

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REDD Guidance

Technical Project Design

By Joerg Seifert-Granzin - Forest Trends
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AR Guidance

Technical Project Design

By Johannes Ebeling, Alvaro Vallejo - Carbon Decisions International
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Carbon Stock Assessment Guidance

Inventory and Monitoring Procedures

By David Diaz, Matt Delaney - Forest Trends, L&C Carbon
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Community Engagement Guidance

Good Practice for Forest Carbon Projects

By Tom Blomley, Michael Richards - Natural Resource Consultants Ltd., Forest Trends
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Legal Guidance

Legal and Contractual Aspects of Forest Carbon Projects

By Slayde Hawkins - Forest Trends
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Business Guidance

Forest Carbon Marketing and Finance

By Phil Covell - Forest Trends
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Social Impacts Guidance

Key Assessment Issues for Forest Carbon Projects

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends
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Biodiversity Impacts Guidance

Key Assessment Issues for Forest Carbon Projects

By John Pilgrim, Jonathan Ekstrom, Johannes Ebeling - The Biodiversity Consultancy, The Biodiversity Consultancy
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산림탄소 프로젝트의 구축 (Building Forest Carbon Projects)

사업 지침서 (Business Guidance)

By Phil Covell - Forest Trends
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산림탄소 프로젝트의 구축 (Building Forest Carbon Projects)

REDD 지침서 (REDD Guidance)

By Joerg Seifert-Granzin - Forest Trends
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산림탄소 프로젝트의 구축 (Building Forest Carbon Projects)

단계별 개요와 안내 (Step by Step Overview and Guide)

By Jacob Olander and Johannes Ebeling - Forest Trends/EcoDecision
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Project Feasibility Assessment Template (updated)

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Template Kelayakan Proyek REDD+

REDD+ Project Feasibility Template (Bahasa Indonesia/English)

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State of Biodiversity Markets 2011

Offset and Compensation Programs Worldwide

By Becca Madsen, Nathaniel Carroll, Daniel Kandy, Genevieve Bennett

This report is a companion paper to the initial report (State of Biodiversity Markets) that highlights the key developments over the past year. The report finds that global interest in biodiversity offsets and compensation has continued to develop over the past year – somewhat surprisingly, given the financial challenges that plague the private and public […]

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Biomass Map of Ghana


The outcome of negotiations in Cancun (COP 16) encouraged developing country Parties to contribute to mitigation actions in the forest sector by undertaking REDD+ activities. While this progress strengthens the opportunity for many tropical nations to pursue carbon finance for ecosystem protection, it also presents the challenge of assessing national carbon stocks and monitoring change […]

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Biomass Map of Ghana

The Map (pdf format)

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Biomass Map of Ghana

The Map (jpg)

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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2011

Back to the Future

By Molly Peters-Stanley, Katherine Hamilton, Thomas Marcello, Milo Sjardin

For five years, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace and Bloomberg New Energy Finance have published the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Reports to shed light on trading volumes, credit prices, project types, locations, and the motivations of buyers in this market. Every year’s marketplace seems more complex than the one before, as actors continually refine […]

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Biodiversity Communities

Introduction to Payments for Ecosystem Services

A Reference Book for Uganda

By Rebecca Vonada, Tommie Herbert, Sissel Waage - Forest Trends, The Katoomba Group, The Katoomba Group

This manual introduces the basic concepts related to payments for ecosystem services and their application in Uganda in a clear and accessible manner. The Annex also presents concepts related to climate change and forest carbon markets.

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Surui Carbono

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent - Surui Carbon Project

By Forest Trends, ACT Brasil, Metareila Association of the Surui People, Kaninde, IDESAM, FUNBIO

This report documents, demonstrates and analyzes the process of obtaining free, prior and informed consent from the Paiter-Surui People regarding the Surui Carbon Project. This project represents a promising and innovative scenario in the Amazon, because it is designed to enhance environmental conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources, while ensuring financial resources for […]

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Nested Approaches to REDD+

An Overview of Issues and Options

By Jacob Olander, Joerg Seifert-Granzin, Thiago Chagas, Charlotte Streck, Robert O'Sullivan - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Climate Focus, Climate Focus, Climate Focus, Climate Focus

Interest in “nested” approaches to REDD+ has grown steadily as policy makers, practitioners and investors seek to reconcile approaches to reducing, and rewarding, emissions reductions at different scales – national, subnational and project.  The 16th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Cancun marked the UNFCCC’s formal acknowledgement of subnational approaches […]