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The Relationship between Biodiversity Offsets and Impact Assessment


This Resource Paper was prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) to help developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to consider and develop best practice related to biodiversity offsets. It offers information on how to integrate biodiversity offsets with impact assessment, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for policies, plans […]

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Biodiversity Communities

Biodiversity Offsets and Stakeholder Participation


This Resource Paper was prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) to help developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to consider and develop best practice related to biodiversity offsets. It provides information on stakeholder identification, engagement and participation in the design and implementation of biodiversity offsets, considering both the […]

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Biodiversity Offsets: Policy Options for Government

By Michael Crowe, Kerry ten Kate

This paper draws on the experience of governments that have already developed and implemented biodiversity offsetting policies. It also takes into account the practical experience of businesses in putting offsets into place on a voluntary basis, including those undertaken in collaboration with BBOP as pilot projects. Its purpose is to serve as a very basic […]

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Rights, Distribution, Risks and Benefits

For REDD+ and forest carbon initiatives to work, it is important to understand the applicable legal framework in any given host country and locality in order to gain clarity about issues of ownership, authorization, benefit-distribution, and other practical matters. This article outlines the legal framework for forest carbon in Peru, with a particular focus on […]

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Manual para la Evaluación de Impacto Social y sobre la Biodiversidad (EISB) de los Proyectos REDD+

By Michael Richards, Steven Panfil - Forest Trends/Katoomba Incubator, Conservation International

Forest Trends, la Alianza para el Clima,Comunidad y Biodiversidad (CCBA), Rainforest Alliance y Fauna & Flora Internacional (FFI) han conformado una alianza con el objeto de producir un Manual de fácil uso sobre cómo llevar a cabo evaluaciones de impacto social y de biodiversidad costo-efectivas y confiables. Los conceptos descritos en este Manual serán relevantes […]

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Forests Investments

How FLEGT and REDD+ can help address illegal logging

A case from Vietnam

This story is about a low profile case involving household-based illegal logging. It describes actors involved in illegal logging practices and how these practices were linked to unclear property rights, unequal benefit distribution, collusion and corruption.

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Forest Governance in Asia

10 Years after the Bali Declaration

By Kerstin Canby - Forest Trends

This article takes stock of what happened since the Bali Declaration was signed ten years ago, in September 2001. The Bali Declaration concluded the East Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) Ministerial Conference. Although a non-legally binding document, the Bali Declaration committed the countries represented there – both timber producing and consuming nations – […]

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Biodiversity Communities Water

Aprendiendo sobre Compensación y Pagos por Servicios Ambientales

By Rebecca Anzueto Estrada - Forest Trends

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Laying the Foundation

An Analytical Tool for Assessing Legal and Institutional Readiness for PES

By Slayde Hawkins - Forest Trends

This booklet has been created as an initial resource for public sector officials interested in fostering an environment in which PES transactions can occur. While PES legal and policy readiness is likely to look very different from one country to another—depending on legal frameworks, as well as historical and current circumstances and pressures—understanding policy options […]

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An Analytical Tool for Assessing Legal and Institutional Readiness for PES

Summary Presentation

By Slayde Hawkins - Forest Trends
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Creating New Values for Africa

Emerging Ecosystem Service Markets

This booklet contains 12 featured projects and initiatives which demonstrate the current innovations and challenges to carbon, water, biodiversity PES implementation in Africa. Our hope is that this publication, (coupled with training sessions, policy advice, legal analysis, and network building) will enable community leaders, government actors, NGO technical staff, project developers and other interested persons […]