BBOP Overview – 2009
By BBOPAn overview of BBOP and the concept of biodiversity offsets, published in 2009. The document accompanied the publication of a broad set of guidance, including handbooks on offset design and implementation, issues papers, case studies and a glossary of terms. This overview presents the vision, mission and goals of BBOP, and its achievements. It also […]
Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook – 2009
By BBOPThe Offset Design Handbook presents information on a range of issues, approaches, methodologies and possible tools from which offset planners can select the approaches best suited to their individual circumstances when designing a biodiversity offset. It describes a generic process that offset planners could use in designing a biodiversity offset, from initial conception of a […]
Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook Appendicies – 2009
By BBOPThis companion volume of Appendices to the BBOP Offset Design Handbook offers readers a summary of a sample of methodologies relevant to biodiversity offsets and some references on them for further reading. Some approaches are required or recommended by government policies; some are the subject of the lending requirements of banks; some are still under […]
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Ango American Biodiversity Offset Case Study – 2009
Case study of the AngloAmerican BBOP pilot biodiversity offset in South Africa. Published in 2009.
Newmont Mining Biodiversity Offset Case Study – 2009
Case study of Newmont Mining BBOP pilot biodiversity offset at the Akyem gold mine, Ghana. Published in 2009.
Non-BBOP Compensatory Conservation Case Studies – 2009
By Susie Brownlie - BBOPA summary of non-BBOP biodiversity offset case studies. Published in 2009.
Solid Energy New Zealand Biodiversity Offset Case Study – 2009
Case study of Solid Energy New Zealand BBOP pilot biodiversity offset at the Strongman coal mine, South Island, New Zealand. Published in 2009.
BBOP Glossary Phase 1
A glossary of terms relating to biodiversity offsets, as published in May 2009. This document will be replaced by an updated version in March 2012.
Ambatovy Case Study – 2009
By Pierre O Berner, Steven Dickinson, Aristide Andrianarimisa - Ambatovy, Golder Associates, Wildlife Conservation SocietyA case study of the Ambatovy project biodiversity offset in Madagascar. Published in May 2009.
Bainbridge Biodiversity Offset Case Study – 2009
Case study of the BBOP pilot biodiversity offset work on Bainbridge Island, Washington, US. Published in 2009.