Experiencias en Compensación por Servicios Ambientales en América Latina
By Sebastian Charchalac SantayState of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012
Leveraging the Landscape
By Molly Peters-Stanley, Katherine Hamilton, Daphne Yin - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem MarketplaceThe report, which aggregates data from 415 individual forest carbon projects historically, was published Thursday by Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, a world-leading provider of news, data and analytics on environmental markets and investments in conservation. The report examines a variety of strategies for injecting financial resources into projects that save or plant forests that capture […]
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Executive Summary: Leveraging the Landscape
State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012
By Molly Peters-Stanley, Katherine Hamilton, Daphne Yin - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem MarketplaceStandard on Biodiversity Offsets
By BBOPThis Standard on Biodiversity Offsets has been prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) to help auditors, developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to assess biodiversity offsets against the BBOP Principles, Criteria and Indicators.
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The Opportunity for Agriculture
Becoming Climate-Smart and Sequestering Carbon
The future of agricultural productivity is intertwined with climate change. Agriculture is a significant contributor to GHG emissions (10-12% of all emissions); at the same time, many agricultural areas are facing changes in mean temperature, precipitation, and increasing climate variability, all of which may impact their harvests. As a result, it will be essential for […]
Is Equitable REDD+ Possible?
The Role of Social Safeguards, Standards, and Impact Assessment in Reducing Risks and Enhancing Outcomes
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsThe main focus in the early years of terrestrial carbon markets has been on assuring the environmental integrity of carbon offsets, while social and biodiversity objectives – the so-called ‘co-benefits’ – have received much less attention. But with the mainstreaming of Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) as a climate change mitigation strategy, […]
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Es Posible una REDD+ Equitativa?
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsA New Approach to Forging Public-Private Alliances around Sustainable Land Management
Today, we face twin challenges of maximizing the effectiveness of publicly funded sustainable land management and identifying incentives to attract private capital to these investments. To do so, there is a need to transform land-use policy objectives into larger-scale sustainable land management and environmental investments. Given the scale of the challenge, we need to move […]
Participatory Social Impact Assessment for Natural Resource Projects and Programs
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsThere is a growing realization that good practice Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an issue of self-interest; it can strengthen social sustainability, reduce investor risks and transaction costs, inform adaptive management, and build stakeholder ownership when undertaken in a participatory way. Participatory SIA is also compatible with a rights-based approach to development, especially free prior […]
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La Evaluación Participativa del Impacto Social Para Proyectos y Programas de Recursos Naturales
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsPenilaian Dampak Sosial secara Partisipatif untuk Proyek dan Program Sumberdaya Alam
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsManaging Water
Potential Contributions of Investments in Watershed Services and Linkages to Poverty Reduction
We are facing a growing number, and increasing range, of water issues. As with climate change, when it comes to water, we are on an inevitable collision course with global disaster. So what is the answer? One suite of tools that, in certain situations, could help to address water problems are watershed payments. Watershed payments […]
REDD+ in Vietnam
Integrating National and Subnational Approaches
By Phuc Xuan To, Robert O'Sullivan, Jacob Olander, Slayde Hawkins, Pham Quoc Hung, Noriyoshi Kitamura - Forest Trends, Climate Focus, Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Japan International Cooperation AgencyThe international REDD+ community is still struggling with the question how a future REDD+ mechanism may be implemented in practice, both internationally under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and domestically within countries. There is a general consensus that emission reductions and removals must ultimately be accounted for at the national level. […]
Forest Certification in Myanmar
Forest Trends Information Brief No. 3
By Kerstin Canby - Forest TrendsThe easing of diplomatic and financial sanctions on Myanmar has sparked western interest in investment and trade opportunities. Interest in the export of world famous Burmese teak has led buyers from the United States, Europe, Japan, and Australia to ask questions about whether logs or timber exported out of Myanmar are legal or sustainable, as […]