Ghana’s REDD+ Registry
Pathways to Development
By Rebecca Ashley Asare, Yaw Kwakye, Ernest Foli - Forest Trends, Ghana Forestry Commission, Forestry Research Institute of GhanaThe emerging mechanism of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) presents opportunities for developing countries to contribute to climate change mitigation and benefit from associated financial flows. Ghana has been an active participant in this international process aimed at mitigating climate change, which poses a major threat to humankind on a global scale. […]
Combating Illegal Logging in Asia
A Review of Progress and the Role of the Asia Forest Partnership 2002-2012
By Robert B. Oberndorf - Forest TrendsForests in Asia play a critical role in providing a variety of services that millions of people depend upon for their livelihoods and social stability. They also contain most of the Asia-Pacific region’s terrestrial biodiversity. By the turn of the Millennium, the forests of the region, particularly in the tropics, were acknowledged to be in […]
Climate-Smart Cocoa in Ghana
Achievements and a way forward
Cocoa is a $1.5 billion industry in Ghana.Ghana’s cocoa authority and regulatory body, Cocobod, aims to make Ghana, the number one best quality producer of cocoa in the world . This strategy, according to the government, necessitates cocoa becoming, a sustainable product in a way that takes good care of the environment and also gives […]
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Taking Stock
Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services in the United States
By D. Evan Mercer, David Cooley, Katherine HamiltonPatrones y factores de deforestación en el Ecuador continental, 1990-2010
By Rodrigo SierraThis document analyzes the shifting historical trends in deforestation drivers and agents and provides a model projecting deforestation trends to 2020. The publication points to continuing changes in land-use patterns as Ecuador slowly moves towards a forest transition. Increasing urbanization, demographic shifts, consolidation of infrastructure and intensification agricultural production are contributing to a decline in […]
Small-Scale Illegal Logging in Vietnam
Implications for FLEGT and REDD+
This brief summarizes village case studies that demonstrate how Vietnam’s domestic illegal logging will only be curtailed if Vietnamese policies promote forest governance that accommodates small-scale forest use and management, and allows local communities to benefit from the forest. Effective strategies to curb illegal logging will require the allocation of clear and secure tenure rights […]
Dependent Documents
To No Net Loss and Beyond
An Overview of the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP)
By BBOPThis updated Overview document with its Principles on Biodiversity Offsets, introduction to the Standard on Biodiversity Offsets, and the accompanying supporting materials have been prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP). Its aim is to help developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions wishing to consider and develop best practice related to […]
European Trade Flows and Risk
By Rupert Oliver, Kerstin Canby - Forest Industries Intelligence Limited, Forest TrendsIllegal logging, as defined in the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), is the harvesting of timber in contravention of the laws and regulations of the country of harvest. Illegal logging is a global epidemic with significant negative economic, environmental and social impacts. Recent studies indicate that illegal logging accounts for 50–90 percent of the volume of […]
Charting New Waters
State of Watershed Payments 2012
By Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, Katherine HamiltonState of Watershed Payments 2012 is the second installment of the most comprehensive inventory to date of initiatives around the world that are paying individuals and communities to revive or preserve water-friendly features of the landscape. The number of initiatives that protect and restore forests, wetlands, and other water-rich ecosystems has nearly doubled in just […]
Dependent Documents
Trazando las Nuevas Aguas
By Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, Katherine Hamilton - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace2012年流域服务支付状况
勾画水资源新蓝图 - 执行摘要 (Charting New Waters - Exec Summ in Chinese)
By Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, Katherine Hamilton - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem MarketplaceExecutive Summary: Charting New Waters
State of Watershed Payments 2012
By Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, Katherine HamiltonState of Watershed Payments Report (Executive Summary for Business)
By Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll - Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace, Forest Trends' Ecosystem MarketplacePoverty Impact Assessment for Reducing Social Risks and Enhancing Pro-Poor Outcomes of Voluntary Partnership Agreements
Forest Trends Information Brief No. 4
By Michael Richards - Forest TrendsThis Information Brief describes the role of poverty impact assessment in the context of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) between tropical timber-producing countries and the European Union. Ex ante poverty impact assessment can be a powerful tool for design, monitoring and adaptive management of a VPA. This Brief describes a possible approach to poverty impact assessment […]