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Climate Communities Investments

2012 Results Report

Sharing Progress on the Path to Adoption of Clean Cooking Solutions

By Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) was launched in 2010 with a goal to drive the adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels in 100 million households by 2020. In pursuit of this objective, the combined efforts reported by a wide range of Alliance partners working on different aspects of the issue are having positive […]

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Ending Global Deforestation

Policy Options for Consumer Countries

By Duncan Brack, Rob Bailey

Legal as well as illegal land clearance for agriculture is significant global driver of deforestation. Consumers and retailers are not able to identify the differences between imports of legal, illegal or unsustainable agricultural commodities produced on these lands. Efforts to tackle illegal logging and improve forest governance over the past ten years have included measures […]

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Agriculture Forests

Workshop Information and Agenda: Conversion of Forestlands to Rubber Plantations

Opportunities and Challenges

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The VPA in Honduras

An Opportunity to Take Forward the Forestry Reform Started with the 2007 Forestry Law

This Information Brief revises and updates a previous version of the same article that was published in February 2013. With the aim of supporting civil society engagement in the VPA process in Honduras, the brief describes some of the key forest governance challenges that the country faces as well as some emerging priorities of local […]

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El AVA en Honduras

Una oportunidad para continuar la reforma forestal iniciada con la Ley Forestal de 2007

By Filippo Del Gatto
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Communities Water

Initial Recommendations for the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in Investments in Watershed Services Programs

By Michael Richards, Tuyeni Mwampamba - Forest Trends

The main objective of this paper is to provide recommendations on the social impact assessment (SIA) of investments for watershed services (IWS) projects or programs. The paper draws on an extensive literature on the theory and practice of SIA, on the authors’ experiences of applying SIA in other natural resource contexts, and on discussions from […]

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What Do We Know about Gender and Other Social Impacts of IWS Projects?

A Literaure Review

By Michael Richards - Forest Trends
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Community Forestry in Honduras: A Path towards Better Governance

Forest Trends Information Brief No. 8

By Filippo Del Gatto - Forest Trends

With the aim of better informing policy discussions about community forestry in Honduras, such as those that will be held in the context of the proposed Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), this Information Brief explores the links between community forestry and local forest governance in the country. It provides evidence that community-based forest enterprises can contribute […]

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La Forestería Comunitaria en Honduras: Un camino hacia una mejor gobernanza forestal

Forest Trends Information Brief No. 8

By Filippo Del Gatto - Forest Trends
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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2013

Maneuvering the Mosaic

By Molly Peters-Stanley, Daphne Yin

30 May 2013 | Washington, D.C. | Voluntary demand for carbon offsetting grew 4% in 2012, when buyers committed more than $523 million to offset 101 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Private sector buyers flocked to offsets earned by planting trees, saving tropical forests, or distributing clean cookstoves in the developing world, according to […]

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Maniobrando el Mosaico

El Estado de los Mercados Volunarios de Carbono 2013 - Resumen Ejecutivo

By Molly Peters-Stanley, Daphne Yin
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Recommendations from Katoomba China – Global

Policymakers, natural resource managers, researchers, and expert practitioners from 13 Chinese provinces and 15 countries recently convened at Katoomba XVIII: Forests, Water, and People in Beijing to advance investments in natural infrastructure for water security in an urbanizing world. The setting reflected China’s global leadership in eco-compensation as well as regional opportunities to improve the […]

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Climate Forests Investments

Advanced REDD+ Finance

Leveraging public finance to attract private sector dollars to REDD+ and related activities

By David Tepper, Sarah Lowery - Forest Trends, Forest Trends

The amount of REDD+ financing committed by the public and private sectors is substantially less than the amount of finance needed to decrease deforestation and degradation in the next decade. To attract financing to REDD+ and related activities such as climate smart, zero deforestation agriculture, we have the opportunity to create innovative and integrated financial […]

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Climate Communities Forests Investments

Ghana’s REDD+ Registry

Pathways to Development

By Rebecca Ashley Asare, Yaw Kwakye, Ernest Foli - Forest Trends, Ghana Forestry Commission, Forestry Research Institute of Ghana

The emerging mechanism of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) presents opportunities for developing countries to contribute to climate change mitigation and benefit from associated financial flows. Ghana has been an active participant in this international process aimed at mitigating climate change, which poses a major threat to humankind on a global scale. […]