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Bridging Financing Gaps

By Sarah Lowery, David Tepper, Rupert Edwards

The amount of capital deployed through REDD+ is just a small percentage of what is needed. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation by 50 percent will require between $17 and $33 billion per year, but only $4.5 billion was deployed for REDD+ was through 2012. And forest carbon markets’ value was estimated at USD […]

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Chinese Overseas Investment in Forestry and Industries with High Impact on Forests

Official Guidelines and Credit Policies for Chinese Enterprises Operating and Investing Abroad

By Duncan Brack

This paper examines the evolving framework for outward FDI in relation to legal compliance and responsible implementation of overseas investment projects affecting forestry and forest areas.

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Climate Forests Investments

ETHIOPIA Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

By Forest Trends

Ethiopia’s natural resources are the foundation of Ethiopian economic development, ensuring food security and providing basic necessities to its growing population. Over the past three decades, however, Ethiopia has lost a significant amount forest cover due to deforestation. With expansion of agriculture, settlements, and wild fires, the rate of deforestation remains quite high. Although REDD+ […]

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Climate Forests Investments

GHANA Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

By Rebecca Ashley Asare, Martin Yelibora, Roselyn Adjei, Hilma Manan

Ghana is home to approximately 4,940,000 hectares of bio-diverse, carbon-rich forest. However, Ghana’s forested lands are increasingly experiencing pressure from agriculture and mining sectors, fuel wood and charcoal production, and urban expansion. The Ghanaian national government entered the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility in 2009, with the hopes of minimizing deforestation while also promoting sustainable long-term […]

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Forests Investments

Serie de carbono forestal a inicios del 2014

Implicacioes y oportunidades para America Latina

This issue of our Insights Series/Acercamientos was produced by ValorandoNaturaleza.org, the Spanish-language sister site of Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, for a February 2014 event in Bogotá, Colombia that focuses on results from COP19 and the state of economic incentives for ecosystem services. Part 1 present the current state of forest carbon finance based on the […]

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Agriculture Investments

Financing Low Emissions Rural Development:

Bridging Financing Gaps & Jurisdictional REDD+ Bonds

By Rupert Edwards, David Tepper, Sarah Lowery

Bridging Financing Gaps Bridging Financing Gaps for Low-Emissions Rural Development through Integrated Finance Strategies REDD+ funds are limited, but agricultural finance pools are quite large. Integrating these pools of finance can help catalyze substantial additional finance flowing into sustainable agriculture that conserves forests. The amount of capital deployed through REDD+ is just a small percentage[…]

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Lessons Learned from Civil Society Efforts to Promote Community (Forest) Resource Rights and other Rights in Voluntary Partnership Agreements

By Lindsay Duffield, Michael Richards - Forest Trends

The 2003 European Union (EU) Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan represents an attempt to link forest governance reforms in timber producing countries with market incentives for legally produced timber. Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) are bilateral trade agreements signed between the EU and a timber producing country, and are a key element […]

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Climate Forests Investments

TANZANIA Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

By Erneus Kaijage, Zainab Kuhanwa

Forest Trends REDDX initiative works with in-country civil society partners and national governments to track REDD+ finance and present a national REDD+ financing picture. This report details findings, national context, and analysis for Tanzania: Tanzania hosts over 33 million hectares of forests with diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity. These forests are under threat from subsistence […]

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Climate Forests Investments

ECUADOR Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

By Jacob Olander, Isabel Carrera

Forest Trends REDDX initiative works with in-country civil society partners and national governments to track REDD+ finance and present a national REDD+ financing picture. This report details findings, national context, and analysis for Ecuador: The Republic of Ecuador is home to some of the most biologically diverse tropical forest ecosystems in the world and has […]

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Climate Forests Investments

LIBERIA Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012

Forest Trends REDDX initiative works with in-country civil society partners and national governments to track REDD+ finance and present a national REDD+ financing picture. This report details findings, national context, and analysis for Liberia: Liberia contains 4.3 million hectares of lowland tropical forest; however, these forests are under threat from the encroachment of agriculture and […]