The Socio-Economic Context of Illegal Logging and Trade of Rosewood Along the Cambodian-Lao Border
By Dr. Sarinda SinghSiamese Rovsewood (Dalbergia cochinensis) has recently been listed on Appendix II of The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). This listing means that source countries are legally required to export only controlled quantities of rosewood with close monitoring and documentation, which is intended to ensure that the international trade is not detrimental […]
State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2014
Turning over a New Leaf
By Allie Goldstein, Gloria Gonzalez, Molly Peters-Stanley - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem MarketplaceDemand for carbon offsets earned from forest protection or renewal grew 17% in 2013 as companies and governments invested $192 million in efforts to plant trees, improve forest management, support “climate-smart” agriculture, or avoid deforestation. With the effects of climate change already being felt from New York City to New Delhi, the fight to keep […]
2013 Results Report
Sharing Progress on the Path to Adoption of Cleaner and More Efficient Cooking Solutions
The 2013 Results Report: Sharing Partner Progress on the Path to Adoption of Clean Cooking Solutions is the second in a series of annual reports tracked by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves ( the Alliance ), which Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace administered, analyzed and wrote. With greater Alliance partner responses, the report tracked a […]
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Tracking REDD+ Finance
2009-2012 - Finance Flows in Seven REDD+ Countries
Between 2009 and 2012, REDDX tracked US$1.2 billion in REDD+ commitments and US$378 million in disbursements in seven tropical forest countries: Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania, and Vietnam. The Forest Trends REDD+ EXpenditures Tracking Initiative (REDDX) was launched in 2011 to provide greater transparency around the financial flows that have been committed for REDD+ […]
Consumer Goods and Deforestation
An Analysis of the Extent and Nature of Illegality in Forest Conversion for Agriculture and Timber Plantations
By Sam Lawson - Forest TrendsExports from Illegal Conversion Worth US$61 Billion and Responsible for 25 Percent of Tropical Deforestation; Brazil and Indonesia’s Illegal Land Clearance Highest in the World. WASHINGTON, DC | 11 September 2014 — A comprehensive new analysis released today says that nearly half (49%) of all recent tropical deforestation is the result of illegal clearing for commercial […]
Dependent Documents
Executive Summary: Consumer Goods and Deforestation
An Analysis of the Extent and Nature of Illegality in Forest Conversion for Agriculture and Timber Plantations With support
By Sam Lawson - Forest TrendsBens de Consumo e Desmatamento
By Sam Lawson - Forest TrendsLos Bienes de Consumo y la Deforestación
By Sam Lawson - Forest TrendsAgriculture and Forest Commodities
From Drivers of Deforestation to Sustainability Champions
By Sarah Lowery - Forest TrendsLarge consumer-facing companies, agricultural producers, NGOs and even governments are intent on reducing deforestation from commodity production and making supply chains more environmentally sustainable. To identify cutting-edge solutions – and to build and strengthen the partnerships that will be key to implementation – Forest Trends convened Katoomba XIX – Scaling up Sustainable Supply Chains in […]
Dependent Documents
Commodities Agrícolas e Florestais
By Sarah Lowery - Forest TrendsMaterias Primas Agrícolas y Forestales
By Sarah Lowery - Forest TrendsVIETNAM: Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2012
By Nguyen thi Xuan Huong, Dang Viet QuangForest cover in Vietnam is estimated at 13.8 million hectaresa number which has increased significantly since the 1990s, due to a recent surge in reforestation efforts leading to increases in plantation forest. Despite this, extensive deforestation and degradation remain, particularly along the Central Highlands and Central Coast, and within the south of the country. Therefore, […]
Forest Conversion in Lao PDR: Implications and Impacts of Expanding Land Investments
This policy brief examines the institutional and legal framework surrounding forest conversion in Lao PDR, giving special consideration to the social, environmental, and legal implications of expanding land investments to meet Lao PDR’s economic development goals summarized in the National Export Strategy (2011-2015).
Rubber Expansion and Forest Protection in Vietnam
By Phuc Xuan To, Huu Tran Nghi - Forest TrendsThis report provides in-depth analyses of the impacts of the expansion of rubber plantations in Vietnam, particularly in the Central Highland and Northwest Regions, which have experienced the most rapid rubber expansion in terms of area. The report also highlights the impacts of rubber plantation development on forest resources, household livelihoods, and local communities, as […]