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All In On Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies

Ecosystem Marketplace is pleased to publish this 2023 report, All In On Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies, which serves as the first major update since 2016 to its landmark “Taking Stock” report series. When initially launched in 2015, the report illuminated for the first time the realities of how companies […]

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Agriculture Forests

Illegal Deforestation for Forest-risk Agricultural Commodities Dashboard: Kenya

By Cassie Dummett and Sofia Tenorio Fenton

While data linking commodities to deforestation in Kenya exists, it is rarely disaggregated by specific commodity or risk of having been sourced from illegally cleared forest lands. Due to governance and enforcement challenges across both the forest and agricultural sectors in Kenya, commodities that are not traceable to their source should be considered at risk […]

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Investments Water

Ficha resumen del Proyecto Huamanga

Ficha resumen del Proyecto “Recuperación del servicio ecosistémico de regulación hídrica de las Microcuencas de Huatatas – Alameda, Pallcayaku, Yucaes, Pamparque y Larampata de la provincia de Huamanga, Ayacucho”.

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Powers of exclusion: A case study of state-led large scale rubber development in Vietnam’s north-western region

By Phuc To

Cash crop development has been instrumental for economic growth in many countries. However, this intervention has negatively affected many local communities. The global rubber boom in the early 2000s prompted the state-owned Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) to scramble for land to expand their rubber plantations. This paper examines the mechanisms and processes associated with state-led […]

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Myanmar’s Timber Trade Since the Coup: The Impact of Sanctions

By The Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance Initiative

Two years since the coup d’état against the newly re-elected Union Government of Myanmar (UGoM), and despite a logging ban imposed by the junta and sanctions imposed by the EU, UK, US, Switzerland, and Canada, exports of forest products continue — topping more than half a billion US dollars since February 1, 2021. Sanctioned jurisdictions […]

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Investments Water

Recuperando la fluidez: Estado de la inversión en acciones en infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica, 2022

By Eliana Cerdán Estrada, Mia Smith, Mirtha Camacho Hernández, Claudia V. Grados Bueno

Este documento busca caracterizar la inversión, tanto pública como privada, que se ha realizado en nuestro país entre el 2008 y el 2021, en la temática de infraestructura natural y seguridad hídrica. Para ello, se han revisado diferentes bases de datos del Estado peruano, como el Invierte.pe, y la de la Agencia Peruana de Cooperación[…]

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New CITES regulations for timber species Afzelia, Khaya, and Pterocarpus, and implications for African exporters and Chinese and Vietnamese importers

By Catherine Rutherford, Phuc X. To, Anh K. Luong, Xiufang Sun and Sofia T. Fenton

African populations of highly exploited commercial timber species, Afzelia, Khaya, and Pterocarpus, have recently been listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in order to support their sustainable and legal trade. Many of these species come from countries with poor governance, high levels of corruption, and weak enforcement. China and Vietnam […]

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Communities Water

Infografía: Pajonales altoandinos

Conjunto de ecosistemas de gran importancia hídrica para la conservación de las cuencas y el desarrollo de las comunidades de los Andes

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Communities Forests

Forest-based Value Chains: A New Bioeconomy for the Amazon Forest

As deforestation rates soar in the Amazon, national and regional governments are under pressure from the international community to control forest loss. The problem is that the current economic growth model relies on forest conversion for agriculture and livestock production, putting immense pressure on the forest and the indigenous communities living in it. But alternative […]

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Communities Forests

Infographic: Forest-based Value Chains: A New Bioeconomy for the Amazon Forest

By Verena Manolis, Cheyenne Coxon, and Genevieve Bennett

Forest Trends partners with indigenous communities in Brazil’s Tupi Mosaic to develop economic enterprises that promote forest conservation. We’re building sustainable value chains for açaí, artisan products, Brazil nuts, and cacao, and demonstrating the business model for native seeds and seedlings. The “Amazon Bioeconomy” we are building mimics traditional Amazon management systems, creating a diversity […]