Perú: Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD+ Período 2009–2014
En el Perú, existen varios proyectos e iniciativas relacionados con el mecanismo de reducción de emisiones por deforestación y degradación forestal (REDD+). La iniciativa REDDX de Forest Trends logró identificar a varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil y empresas que han estado implementando actividades relacionadas con REDD+, para las cuales han recibido financiamiento de donantes […]
Papua New Guinea – Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
By Benzolo Ken, Ezra Neale - Wildlife Conservation Society - Papua New Guinea, Wildlife Conservation Society - Papua New GuineaThis report presents the findings from the first round of REDD+ finance tracking in Papua New Guinea (PNG) under the REDDX initiative through Forest Trends. The REDDX initiative is the first comprehensive attempt to track and report on financial commitments and disbursements for REDD+ activities in PNG. REDDX was conducted in PNG through a partnership […]
Ecuador: Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD+ Período 2013–2014
Como parte del proyecto internacional de Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD (REDDX), Forest Trends y EcoDecisión desde el año 2012 han recopilado información sobre los flujos financieros para las actividades REDD+ en Ecuador. Basado en estudios detallados y entrevistas con las principales partes interesadas incluidos financiadores, organizaciones responsables de implementación, beneficiarios y agencias gubernamentales, REDDX […]
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How Do Peace Agreements Treat Natural Resources?
By Arthur Blundell, Emily HarwellOf the 800 peace agreements signed around the globe since 1945, fewer than 15 percent address natural resources — even though those resources (oil, gas, timber, diamonds) increasingly are recognized as a major factor in armed conflicts, according to a new study by the non-profit organization Forest Trends. The failure to reform management of these […]
Green Infrastructure in the Drinking Water Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
By Marta Echavarria, Paola Zavala, Lorena Coronel, Tamara Montalvo, Luz Maria AguirreThe study was designed to document the state of initiatives and investment in green infrastructure by water regulators, drinking water operators, and project developers in Latin American and Caribbean countries, It includes activities such as: payment for ecosystem services projects, water funds, promotion of investment plans for climate change adaptation in watersheds, recuperation of vegetative […]
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Infraestructura Verde en el Sector de Agua Potable en América Latina y el Caribe
Tendencias, Retos y Oportunidades
Infraestrutura Verde no Setor de Água Potável na América Latina e Caribe
By Marta Echavarria, Paola Zavala, Lorena Coronel, Tamara Montalvo, Luz Maria AguirreChina’s Hongmu Consumption Boom
Analysis of the Chinese Rosewood Trade and Links to Illegal Activity in Tropical Forested Countries
By Naomi Basik Treanor - Forest TrendsChina’s demand for rosewood – used for classical Chinesestyle furniture and décor – is threatening some of the world’s most valuable and endangered old-growth forests. Chinese furniture manufacturers’ imports of several species of rosewood, collectively known as hongmu, have soared at an unprecedented rate since 2010 and hit an all-time high in 2014, according to […]
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Chinese Demand for Illegal Rosewood Drives Tropical Forest Destruction in Asia, Africa
Classical furniture boom presents urgent challenges for legal, sustainable sourcing
Envol de la consommation chinoise de hongmu
By Naomi Basik Treanor - Forest Trends中国的红木消费热潮 (China’s Hongmu Consumption Boom)
中国红木贸易及其与热带国家非法森林活动关系之分析 (Analysis of the Chinese Rosewood Trade and Links to Illegal Activity in Tropical Forested Countries)
By Naomi Treanor- Forest TrendsREDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
Trends and Lessons Learned in REDDX Countries
By Gustavo Silva-Chávez, Brian Schaap, Jessica BreitfellerForest Trends, a non-profit organization that tracks global forest developments, today released the most comprehensive analysis to date of the United Nations’ program for protecting forests and generating forest conservation finance. The study follows the money trail in 13 countries that account for 65 percent of the globe’s tropical forest cover under the U.N.’s Reducing […]
Results Report 2014
Sharing Progress on the Path to Adoption of Clean and Efficient Cooking Solutions
By Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, Ecosystem MarketplaceThis report provides a snapshot of how the partners of the Global Alliance of Clean Cookstoves are progressing in its strategic vision of facilitating the adoption of 100 million cookstoves by 2020 as reported by our partners. Two important features of the 2014 results report are: This year’s report integrates information from the Alliance’s Clean […]
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State of Forest Carbon Finance 2015
Converging at the Crossroads
By Allie Goldstein, Evan NeylandCompanies and governments around the world committed US$705 million in new finance in 2014 to enhance the role of forests in combating climate change, according to a report released this week by Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, Converging at the Crossroads: State of Forest Carbon Finance in 2015. Over the last decade, private and public sector actors […]
Rural Credit in Brazil
Challenges and Opportunities for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture
By Desiree Lopes, Sarah Lowery - Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), Forest TrendsIn this brief we explore the role of rural credit in promoting agricultural sustainability in Brazil. We look at the trends in different categories of rural credit in the last decadecreation of sustainability-related credit lines, interest rates, and sources of funds. We also describe the main difficulties that producers face in accessing rural credit, as […]