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Agriculture Climate

Assessing the Potential of Climate-Smart Cocoa Insurance

By Justin D. McKinley, Rebecca A. Asare, L. Lanier Nalley

There is now widespread consensus that Ghana should adopt a climate-smart cocoa (CSC) approach, and significant steps have been made towards implementing this vision. A CSC Working Group established in 2011 identified key gaps that needed to be addressed or improved for CSC to reach a desired future state, and recommended a focus on increasing […]

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Conversion Timber, Forest Monitoring, and Land-Use Governance in Cambodia

By Forest Trends

  Click here to download the report [6 MB] Click here to download the printable report(NOTE: large file!) [28 MB] Click here to download the press release In many countries, the accelerated clearing of forests for agricultural purposes has resulted in the rapid growth of so-called “conversion timber” in recent years. Cambodia is no execption. […]

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Climate Communities Forests

Full Circle: REDD and Indigenous People

Past, Present, and Future

Indigenous people have managed their land sustainably for hundreds of years. They have, as a result, contributed the least to climate change and have even prevented large amounts of carbon from being released into the atmosphere through forest clearing and degradation. However, unless something changes soon, they will suffer the most from its consequences. If […]

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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2015

Ahead of the Curve

By Kelley Hamrick

June 3, 2015 | Washington, D.C. | Companies, governments, and individuals voluntarily spent just under $4.5 billion on conservation and clean energy over the past decade by purchasing nearly 1 billion carbon offsets, finds a new report released on the sidelines of this week’s international climate talks in Bonn, Germany. The Forest Trends Ecosystem Marketplace […]

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Vietnam’s Wood Villages

Relevance for FLEGT and REDD+

By Phuc Xuan To

This Information Brief summarizes results from a 2012 field study on Vietnamese wood villages and discusses implications for FLEGT and REDD+. The brief is a summary of a full report available in Vietnamese which was written by Tô Xuân Phúc, Nguyễn Tôn Quyền, Lê Duy Phương, Cao Thị Cẩm.

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Vietnam’s Small-Scale Sawmills in the Context of the FLEGT-VPA

By Quang Viet Dang - Forest Trends

This Information Brief and its underlying research were financed by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ).

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Vietnam’s Wood Chip Industry

Status of the Sector in 2012 and Challenges for Future Development

By Phuc Xuan To - Forest Trends

This Information Brief analyzes Vietnam’s rapidly growing wood chip sector and discusses challenges for its development. The brief is a summary of a full report available in Vietnamese which was written by Tran Le Huy and To Xuan Phuc.

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Supply Change: Corporations, Commodities, and Commitments that Count

A transformational resource for businesses, investors, governments, and the civil society organizations that support and hold them accountable

By Molly Peters-Stanley, Stephen Donofrio, Ben McCarthy - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace

The Issue Commercial agriculture drives at least two-thirds of tropical deforestation. The worst of these forest impacts come from a few agricultural commodities – palm oil, soy, timber & pulp, and cattle – which are valuable inputs to millions of consumer products, from snack foods to shampoos to clothing to paper to housing materials. The […]

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The Bottom Line: Taking Stock of the Role of Carbon Offsets in Corporate Carbon Strategies

By Allie Goldstein - Ecosystem Marketplace

In 2013, CDP-reporting companies purchased 50.3 million offsets. This is equivalent to not burning 117 million barrels of oil, or shutting down 13 coal-fired power plants for one year. But it still represents less than 1% of reporting companies’ 2013 emissions not reduced by other means. This report explores offsetting from a business perspective, exploring […]

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Corporate Carbon Offset Buyers Dispel Greenwashing Myths