Protocolo de Serviços Ambientais dos Ashaninka
Ashaninka Environmental Services Protocol
Community protocols were recognized as legal instruments in Brazil by Law No. 13,123, of May 20, 2015, known as the “Biodiversity Law.” With this protocol, the Ashaninka reaffirm their role as guardians of their forest in their 87,200 hectares in the Kampa region of the Amônia River Indigenous Reserve, and as crucial stewards of environmental […]
Liberia: Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
By Peter Gayflor Mulbah - Skills and Agricultural Development ServicesForest Trends, Skills and Agricultural Development Services (SADS), and the Liberian Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been compiling information on the flows of finance for REDD+ activities as part of the international REDD+ Expenditures Tracking Initiative (REDDX). Based on detailed surveys and interviews with key stakeholders including donors, implementing organizations, […]
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Ghana – Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
By Kwame Agyei, Rebecca Ashley Asare - NCRC, NCRCREDDX was first launched in Ghana in early 2011 as an exploratory project, and since its first report in 2012 it has collected annual data and information on REDD+ financial flows spanning the past six years2009 through 2014. The project, which is jointly implemented by the National REDD+ Secretariat (NRS) and NCRC, has established a […]
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Linking Flight and Forests
This briefing paper highlights the vital role forests can play in fighting climate change and recommends that countries include REDD+, a policy framework for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as a means for the international aviation sector to meet its commitments to cap and reduce its carbon pollution.
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Forests Can Play an Essential Role in Reducing Climate Change Impacts of Aviation
Leading international NGOs issue a joint policy paper recommending REDD+ as an integral part of meeting 7.8 billion tonne aviation emission gap
Not So Niche
Co-benefits at the Intersection of Forest Carbon and Sustainable Development
By Allie Goldstein - Forest TrendsCarbon offsets are increasingly seen as a tool to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as mitigate climate change, according to a new report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, Not So Niche: Co-benefits at the Intersection of Forest Carbon and Sustainable Development. The report was based on responses to EM’s 2015 survey of forest carbon […]
China’s Logging Ban in Natural Forests
Impacts of Extended Policy at Home and Abroad
By Xiufang Sun, Kerstin Canby, Lijun Liu - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest TrendsThis Information Brief explores some of the anticipated economic and ecological implications of the forthcoming expansion of restrictions on commercial logging in China’s natural forests.
Building Carbon in America’s Farms, Forests, and Grasslands
Foundations for a Policy Roadmap
By Emily McGlynn, Christopher Galik, David Tepper, Jerod Myers, Julie DeMeester - Forest Trends, Forest TrendsForest Trends and the Nicholas Institute at Duke University have authored a new report, “Building Carbon in America’s Farms, Forests, and Grasslands: Foundations for a Policy Roadmap.” This innovative assessment offers new analysis to support a long-term roadmap for enhancing the U.S. land carbon sink, ensuring healthy and productive landscapes contribute to greenhouse gas reduction […]
Tanzania: Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
By Erneus Kaijage, George Kafumu - Forest Trends, United Republic of TanzaniaThis report presents the findings of the second and third rounds of REDD+ finance tracking in Tanzania for the period 2009–2014 under the Forest Trends REDDX initiative. The first and second rounds of REDD+ finance tracking were conducted for the period of 2009–2012 and 2009–2013; this report updates and extends those findings through 2014. Overall, […]
Perú: Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD+ Período 2009–2014
En el Perú, existen varios proyectos e iniciativas relacionados con el mecanismo de reducción de emisiones por deforestación y degradación forestal (REDD+). La iniciativa REDDX de Forest Trends logró identificar a varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil y empresas que han estado implementando actividades relacionadas con REDD+, para las cuales han recibido financiamiento de donantes […]
Papua New Guinea – Mapping REDD+ Finance Flows 2009-2014
By Benzolo Ken, Ezra Neale - Wildlife Conservation Society - Papua New Guinea, Wildlife Conservation Society - Papua New GuineaThis report presents the findings from the first round of REDD+ finance tracking in Papua New Guinea (PNG) under the REDDX initiative through Forest Trends. The REDDX initiative is the first comprehensive attempt to track and report on financial commitments and disbursements for REDD+ activities in PNG. REDDX was conducted in PNG through a partnership […]