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The Implications of the Paris Climate Agreement for Private Sector Roles in REDD+

By Peter Graham, Gus Silva-Chavez

 In December 2015, 197 countries approved the Paris Agreement, a historic global agreement that enshrined forests in the new international climate agenda. In doing so, governments expanded the opportunities for forests to play a key part in our global response to climate change. One promising opportunity to utilize forests for climate action is through a […]

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Climate Investments

Taking Stock of the Role of Offsets in Corporate Carbon Strategies

Buying In

By Ecosystem Marketplace

Among a group of nearly 2,000 companies that publicly disclosed data in 2015, 18% use offsetting as part of a carbon reduction strategy – including familiar household names such as L’Oréal, General Motors, and Delta Air Lines – according to a new report by Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, “Buying in: Taking Stock of the Role […]

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Brief 2: Barriers and Opportunities for Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises under Demand-side Legality Policies

Little and Legal: Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) within the Emerging Timber Legality Paradigm

By Andrea Johnson - CATIE-Finnfor

This series of briefs attempts to contribute greater clarity to the debate by disaggregating the diversity of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and providing a conceptual starting point for more coherent dialogues and targeted, impactful policy and research design. It encompasses the diversity of MSMEs because the globalized reach of many wood product supply […]

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Brief 1: Unpacking the Diversity of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Little and Legal: Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) within the Emerging Timber Legality Paradigm

By Andrea Johnson - CATIE-Finnfor

This series of briefs attempts to contribute greater clarity to the debate by disaggregating the diversity of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMES) and providing a conceptual starting point for more coherent dialogues and targeted, impactful policy and research design. It encompasses the diversity of MSMEs because the globalized reach of many wood product supply […]

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Brief 3: Knowledge Gaps – Priorities for Future Research on Forest Product Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Little and Legal: Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) within the Emerging Timber Legality Paradigm

By Andrea Johnson - CATIE-Finnfor

This series of briefs attempts to contribute greater clarity to the debate by disaggregating the diversity of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and providing a conceptual starting point for more coherent dialogues and targeted, impactful policy and research design. It encompasses the diversity of MSMEs because the globalized reach of many wood product supply […]

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Brexit, FLEGT, and the Timber Trade

By Kerstin Canby, Jade Saunders - Forest Trends

Last week the population of the UK voted in a referendum to leave the EU. The legal status of the referendum was advisory, and thus the UK Parliament must now vote on whether and how to trigger the 2-year process by which the UK can leave the EU. This process is described in Article 50 […]

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Brexit, FLEGT, and the Timber Trade (CHIN)

By Kerstin Canby, Jade Saunders - Forest Trends, Forest Trends
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Brexit, FLEGT et le commerce du bois (FR)

By Kerstin Canby, Jade Saunders - Forest Trends
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Investments Water

Participatory Social Impact Assessment of Water Funds

A Case Study from Lima, Peru

By Leah Bremer, Gena Gammie, Oscar Maldonado - Forest Trends, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

Water users and governments are increasingly recognizing watershed conservation as a critical component of a comprehensive water security strategy. In Latin America, this has inspired the launch of dozens of water funds, which facilitate investments in watershed conservation and restoration by pooling financial contributions from downstream water users, governments, and businesses. Beyond generating hydrological benefits […]

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Evaluación Participativa del Impacto Social de los Fondos de Agua

By Leah Bremer, Gena Gammie, Oscar Maldonado - Natural Capital Project, Forest Trends
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Forests Investments

REDD+ & Post-Conflict

A briefing for the Oslo REDD-Exchange

By Arthur Blundell, Emily Harwell, Kerstin Canby - Natural Capital Advisors, Natural Capital Advisors, Forest Trends

Since the first commitments for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) were announced in Bali in 2007, more than half of all participating countries have experienced violent conflict involving organized, armed groups. If properly designed, REDD+ programs can strengthen peace and security as much as they can mitigate climate change, improve environmental management, […]

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Agriculture Forests

Supply Change: Tracking Corporate Commitments to Deforestation-free Supply Chains, 2016

By Ben McCarthy, Stephen Donofrio, Jonathan Leonard, Philip Rothrock

A new report from Forest Trends’ Supply Change project tracks progress on 579 public commitments from companies around the world who have pledged to remove forest destruction from their supply chains. These businesses depend on the “big four” agricultural commodities – palm oil, wood products, soy, and cattle – that are found in nearly every aisle of […]

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Climate Investments

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2016

Raising Ambition

By Kelley Hamrick, Allie Goldstein

Voluntary buyers around the world paid to offset the equivalent of 84.1 million (M) tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2015, a 10% increase from 2014, led by private-sector companies taking proactive steps to reduce emissions ahead of regulation, according to a new report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace (EM). The EM report, ­­­Raising Ambition: State of the […]