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Vietnam’s Imports of Cambodian Logs and Sawnwood from Natural Forests: 2013-2015

By To Xuan Phuc, Nguyen Ton Quyen, Huynh Van Hanh, Tran Le Huy, Cao Thi Cam

This report analyzes the trade of logs and sawnwood from natural forests imported from Cambodia to Vietnam between 2013 and 2015, publishing detailed statistics provided by the General Department of Vietnam Customs for the first time.

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Vietnam’s Imports of Cambodian Logs and Sawnwood from Natural Forests: 2013-2015

This report analyzes the trade of logs and sawnwood from natural forests imported from Cambodia to Vietnam between 2013 and 2015, publishing detailed statistics provided by the General Department of Vietnam Customs for the first time.

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Forests Investments

The Evolution of Forest Finance in Five African Countries

Lessons Learned from the REDDX Initiative in Africa

In an effort to better understand continent-wide patterns of REDD+ finance, this study has built off of the initial five years of the work of Forest Trends’ REDDX initiative through focused stakeholder meetings, distribution of questionnaires, and review of literature and available documents to synthesize the main trends and understand the lessons learned in Africa […]

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Agriculture Forests

Progress on the New York Declaration on Forests: Eliminating Deforestation from the Production of Agricultural Commodities, Goal 2 Assessment Report

By Charlotte Streck, Franziska Haupt, and Stephanie Roe (Lead Authors) and Katharina Behm, Alan Kroeger, and Ingrid Schulte, with contributions from Xavier Andrillon, Stephen Donofrio, Jeff Hayward, Sarah Lake, Ben McCarthy, Katie McCoy, Rafel Servent, and Francesca Ward.

In September 2014, the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) outlined 10 goals that provide endorsers—including countries, subnational governments, companies, indigenous groups, and NGOs— with ambitious global targets to protect forests and end natural forest loss by 2030. This report focuses on Goal 2: eliminating deforestation from agricultural commodity supply chains. It draws on data from[…]

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Climate Forests Investments

State of Forest Carbon Finance 2016

View from the Understory

By Allie Goldstein, Franziska Ruef - Ecosystem Marketplace, Ecosystem Marketplace

Governments and companies around the world committed a record US$888 million (M) in new funding last year to bolster the planet’s first line of defense against climate change – forests and other carbon-absorbing landscapes – according to a new report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, View from the Understory: State of Forest Carbon Finance 2016. […]

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Agriculture Investments

Toward a Production-Protection Compact for Peru

Elements and Lessons from Global Experience

In this publication, we draw on experiences from Peru and around the world to characterize the key elements of a successful protection-production compact (PPC). Our critical review of international experience has allowed us to extract these elements and identify best practices, important lessons, and potential risks that should be considered as strategic plans covering each […]

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Hacia un Enfoque Protección-Producción en Perú

Elementos y lecciones de la experiencia global

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Forests Investments

Ecuador: Financing for REDD+ and Other Forms of Land Use

A REDDX Information Brief

The Paris Agreement (PA) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), adopted on December 12, 2015, marked an important milestone in international climate negotiations and the role of forests and land use. The Paris Agreement is a turning point to formally encourage the adoption of measures with “results-based payments” that contribute to […]

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Climate Forests Investments

México: Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD+ Período 2009–2014

México ha sido un país activo en el tema de REDD+. Este reporte presenta datos actualizados al periodo 2009–2014, ofrece un panorama actualizado del contexto nacional REDD+ y recomendaciones para análisis del tema. Desde su implementación en México, la iniciativa REDDX ha identificado alrededor de 800 mdd en financiamiento comprometido para REDD+ en el país, […]

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Climate Forests Investments

Colombia: Seguimiento al Financiamiento para REDD+ Período 2009–2014

Colombia es uno de los 13 países que participan en la iniciativa Seguimiento a la Financiación de REDD+ – REDDX, con el fin de proporcionar transparencia entorno a los flujos financieros que se han comprometido para los programas de REDD+, proporcionando información que ayude a los gobiernos, diseñadores de proyectos, donantes y otros actores. El […]

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Climate Forests Investments

The Geography of REDD+ Finance

Deforestation, Emissions, and the Targeting of Forest Conservation Finance

By Michael Wolosin, Jessica Breitfeller, Brian Schaap - Forest Climate Analytics, Forest Trends, Forest Trends

WASHINGTON, DC (11 August 2016) | The nearly $6 billion pledged to forest conservation in ten key countries under the UN program Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) is successfully targeting nations and provinces with high levels of deforestation and associated carbon emissions, according to a new report by Forest Trends, a non-profit group that tracks […]