UNFCCC Submission Regarding Views on APA Item 6
Views Regarding the Role of the Land Sector and its Potential for Enhanced Action, including Intact Forest Landscapes
Joint Submission by the Center for Carbon Removal, Conservation International, Environmental Defense Fund, Forest Trends, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, The Nature Conservancy, Rainforest Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Woods Hole Research Center, regarding views on APA Item 6: Matters relating to the global stocktake referred to in Article 14 of the […]
Territorial Governance and Indigenous Economy
Gobernanza Territorial Economía Indígena
Territorial governance is the first step in promoting an indigenous economy and in ensuring that the relationship between the market and the communities does not affect traditional cultures. Territorial governance consists of three components all based on the communities’ life plans: cultural, economic and political governance. La gobernanza territorial es el primer paso para proteger […]
Indigenous Economic Enterprises (1) – Emprendimientos Económicos Indígenas (1)
What are indigenous economic enterprises? These are the initiatives that communities use to enter into the market and that are based on their life plans. These enterprises are aimed at reaching the communities’ vision of wellbeing, and they could also contribute to territorial governance. ¿Que son emprendimientos económicos indígenas? Son iniciativas por las cuales los […]
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Indigenous Economic Enterprises (2) – Emprendimientos Económicos Indígenas (2)
The community should be the starting point of indigenous economic endeavors, which should seek to strengthen organizational structures and territorial governance. To achieve these goals, the community must evaluate the lessons learned in these endeavors and think of new ways of building knowledge. La comunidad debe ser el punto de partida de los emprendimientos económicos […]
Impacts of the Laos Log and Sawnwood Export Bans
By Phuc Xuan To, Naomi Basik Treanor, Kerstin CanbyDecisive actions taken by the government of Laos, in the form of a Notice (no. 1360 in August 2015) and a Prime Ministerial Order (PM15 in May 2016) prohibiting the export of logs and lightly processed “sawnwood,” appear to be paying off, according to a new analysis by the Washington, D.C.-based organization Forest Trends. The […]
Tracking Corporate Commitments to Deforestation-free Supply Chains, 2017
By Stephen Donofrio, Jonathan Leonard, Philip RothrockSupply Change draws from already available data to track companies, their commitments, and their progress towards these commitments over time to support stakeholders’ decision-making and, ultimately, to drive transformational change. In addition to providing an update on the state of corporate commitments as companies continue to establish and pursue their pledges to deforestation-free supply chains, this report […]
The Production-Protection Compact in the Peruvian Context
By L.T. Szott, L.M. Ormeño, G. Suárez de Freitas, V. Galarreta, R. Edwards, I. Alcántara, D. Coronel, O. Saavedra, M. Leal, E. MendozaIn this paper we take a critical look at the interpretation and application of the Production-Protection-Compact concept in the Peruvian context and the adaptations needed in order to increase the chances for its success. We examine the characteristics of deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon and the coffee, cocoa, and oil palm value chains implicated in deforestation. This is followed by a short description of the application of the PPC strategy in Brazil in order to identify key elements and their potential application in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as the identification of major questions and areas of uncertainty. Finally, we attempt to outline the way forward for implementing the PPC in the Peruvian Amazon.
Dependent Documents
Laos Log and Sawnwood Export Ban
Impacts on the Vietnam-Laos Timber Trade
By Phuc Xuan To, Kerstin CanbyIn May 2016, the Government of Lao PDR enacted a Prime Ministerial Order (PM15) to ban the export of logs and sawnwood, with the express aim to help control the country’s high deforestation rates and boost Laos’ domestic wood production industry. As a result of PM15, the Vietnamese timber industry has seen an almost immediate the decline in their ability to import logs and sawnwood from Laos. This report identifies in detaild impact of the Lao government’s log and sawnwood export ban on Vietnam’s timber industry by analyzing 2010-2016 Vietnam’s Custom Statistics for the imports of logs and sawn wood into Vietnam from Laos.
European, US, and Australian Markets Are Still Importing Logs from Countries with Full or Partial Log Export Bans
By Brian SchaapOver the past several decades, more than 30 countries have enacted policies to restrict or prohibit the export of raw logs. Yet companies around the world have been importing logs from these countries – indicating a risk of illegal import. In Europe, the USA, and Australia, trade regulations against the import of illegally sourced wood products may be being violated, making these companies vulnerable to enforcement action. Since each log export ban is different in its scope, one cannot merely judge all logs as illegal without additional due diligence research. To identify potentially high risk flows of logs, Forest Trends analyzed European, US, and Australian log imports from thirty countries with some form of a log export ban over the period 2011‐2015.
Las dos esferas de la economía indígena / The two spheres of indigenous economy
The Indigenous Economy group is an initiative from the Forest-Based Livelihoods Consortium (supported by the AIME program) that aims to generate lively discussion on how to strengthen indigenous economy and how to ensure that their integration to the market is equitable and sustainable. El Grupo de Discusión en Economía Indígena, una iniciativa del Consorcio de […]