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Forests Investments

A Financial Strategy for the Production-Protection Compact in the Peruvian Amazon

By Lawrence Szott, Gustavo Suárez de Freitas, Victor Galarreta, Daniel Coronel, Frank Hicks - Contributing Authors: Rupert Edwards, Josh Gregory

The production-protection compact (PPC), proposed and outlined over the two previous papers in this series, can form a key element of Peru’s strategy to reduce deforestation, on the basis that environmentally sustainable and economically profitable agricultural production can be combined with increased forest conservation to enable sustainable development that improves livelihoods and environmental protection. A[…]

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Forests Investments

Regulating the Trade in Illegal Timber

Asian Approaches Compared - State of Play June 2017

By Marigold Norman, Jade Saunders - Forest Trends

Together, the US, EU28 and Australian markets, alongside the Asian countries now designing their own import controls, account for over 90% of global timber imports in 2016. Therefore, as the Asian demand-side regulations start to come into force, the global market incentive for companies trading in legal timber will be significant. Each country is at[…]

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China’s Forest Product Imports and Exports 2006-2016

Trade Charts and Brief Analysis

By Forest Trends

As the world’s top importer and consumer of timber products, China is in a unique, and influential, position to take a leadership role to ensure that only legally and sustainably sourced timber – and other products sourced from forests – enters the country, thus helping to shift the global timber trade paradigm away from illegal[…]

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Climate Forests Investments

Mapping Financial Flows for REDD+ and Land Use in Brazil

National and Subnational Analysis for the Period 2009 through 2016

By Ana Carolina Bastida da Silva, Mariano Colini Cenamo, Gustavo Silva Chávez

This new report by Forest Trends and IDESAM (Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia) shows that over US$2.2 billion in REDD+ funds have been used by Brazil to implement deforestation policies and recommends that more finance should go directly to the stakeholders who are implementing the deforestation policies, in particular subnational governments, indigenous […]

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Mapping Financial Flows for REDD+ and Land Use in Brazil (Portuguese)/Mapeamento dos Fluxos Financeiros para REDD+ e Uso da Terra no Brasil

Análise nacional e subnacional para período de 2009 a 2016

By Ana Carolina Bastida da Silva, Mariano Colini Cenamo, Gustavo Silva Chávez - IDESAM, Forest Trends
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Agriculture Climate Forests Investments

Collaboration Toward Zero Deforestation

Aligning Corporate and National Commitments in Brazil and Indonesia

By Dana Miller, Breanna Lujan (Environmental Defense Fund), Brian Schaap (Indonesia case studies; Forest Trends); with contributions from David Burns (National Wildlife Federation), Chris Meyer (Environmental Defense Fund), Gustavo Silva-Chávez (Forest Trends)

In this report, Environmental Defense Fund and Forest Trends examine case studies on corporate commitments, government policies, and multi-stakeholder initiatives that support Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Brazil and Indonesia. The report analyzes how current initiatives align with NDCs and identifies ways to improve this alignment. The report concludes with specific recommendations to enhance collaboration[…]

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Timber-Sourcing from Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

By Marigold Norman, Jade Saunders, Forest Trends

This paper presents data on the timber products sourced from fragile and conflict-affected states into regulated markets, focusing on the European Union. It argues that political instability and violence inherent to these situations indicates significant likelihood of buying illegal timber. Rather than pulling out, responsible global trade in legal forest products can be an effective[…]

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Biodiversity Climate Investments Water

State of European Markets 2017

Voluntary Carbon, Watershed Investments, and Biodiversity Offsets and Compensation

Ecosystem Marketplace, an initiative of Forest Trends, is pleased to present three original new reports, co-authored with Etifor as part of the ECOSTAR project, benchmarking for the first time the size, scope, and scale of ecosystem market mechanisms in Europe for voluntary carbon, watershed investments, and biodiversity offsets and compensation. Healthy natural habitats and sustainably […]

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Yawanawa Medicinal Plants – Plantas Medicinais Yawanawá

The Yawanawa have captured their long-held botanical expertise in a new illustrated field guide that helps members of the community identify and use life-saving medicinal plants. The poster details 21 medicinal plants the Yawanawa have traditionally used to treat poisonous snake bites. Each entry features an artful botanical illustration, along with reference photos and descriptions […]

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The Regulatory Imperative

Policy Lessons from the Lao Rubber Sector for Supporting Smallholder Livelihoods and Land Tenure

By Michael Dwyer, Naomi Basik Treanor - Mekong Region Land Governance Project, Forest Trends

This Information Brief is based on one of the first research efforts on the fall in rubber prices of the last five years and its implications for the Lao rubber boom beginning in the 2000s. Findings from this study are now being used as part of Forest Trends’ ongoing research and policy dialogue on the […]

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ບົດຮຽນທີ່ຖອດຖອນໄດ້ຈາກການປູກຢາງພາລາເພື່ອສະໜັບສະໜູນການພັດທະນາຊີວິດການເປັນຢູ່ ແລະ ການຖືຄອງທີ່ດິນຂອງປະຊາຊົນ.

By Mike Dwyer, Naomi Basik Treanor - Mekong Region Land Governance Project, Forest Trends
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Climate Investments

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2017

Unlocking Potential

By Kelley Hamrick, Melissa Gallant

As of 2016, offsets equivalent to 1.1 billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions (BtCO2e) have been transacted voluntarily – through sales to governments, companies, and individuals as well as intermediary brokers – according to the latest annual State of Voluntary Carbon Markets report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace. Entitled “Unlocking Potential,” the new report and […]