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Climate Forests

Mapping Forest Finance: A Landscape of Available Sources of Finance for REDD+ and Climate Action in Forests

By Breanna Lujan, Gustavo Silva-Chávez - Environmental Defense Fund, Forest Trends

This report identifies the sources of funding currently available for REDD+ and climate action in forests, and analyzes the challenges and opportunities for accessing and coordinating this finance. It serves as a resource for negotiators, policymakers, practitioners, NGOs, and others involved with the implementation of REDD+ and climate action in forests. Among other things, the […]

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Peace in Myanmar Demands a Focus on Natural Resources and a Reform of their Management

By Forest Trends

Myanmar’s progress towards peace appears stalled. Since independence, the military and ethnic groups, living at the margins of both the country and its power structure, have fought in some of the world’s longest running civil wars. In 2015, one of the major coalitions of ethnic groups, the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), refused to sign […]

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Forests Investments

Toward a Financial Architecture to Protect Tropical Forests

The Case of Brazil

By Rupert Edwards

This report focuses on Brazil both as a critical forest country and in order to describe an architecture of finance based on a particular framework of law and existing institutional efforts to protect forests. Despite a challenging macroeconomic environment, Brazil has the most developed legislative framework for tropical forest protection in the Forest Code, powerful […]

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Toward a Financial Architecture to Protect Tropical Forests

The Case of Brazil (Executive Summary)

By Rupert Edwards
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Trade Measures to Support Legal and Sustainable Agriculture in Brazil

By Josh Gregory - Forest Trends

Brazil is a major producer and exporter of agricultural commodities (such as beef, soy, and cotton) that are associated with deforestation in the Amazon and surrounding regions. A way to reduce deforestation in Brazil, would be the implementation of trade measures, border policies directed at imports or exports of particular products. This report discusses two […]

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The Potential for the EITI to Bring Transparency to the Forestry Sector in Myanmar

Sunlight Is the Best Disinfectant

By Forest Trends

Myanmar has chosen to include forestry in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI). Although reporting and contract disclosure will be a challenge, if the EITI can increase transparency, it can help inform public debate and drive future reform. The more people understand, the harder it is for the sector to be corrupt. Related read: What […]

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Forests Investments

Financing Conservation and Sustainable Land Use in the Amazon

Althelia’s Tambopata-Bahuaja REDD+ and Agroforestry Project

By Luis Miguel Ormeño and Joshua Gregory

Peru’s National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP), in co-management with the Asociación para la Investigación y Desarrollo Integral (AIDER) and with financial support from Althelia Ecosphere, is implementing the REDD+ Tambopata Bahuaja-Sonene Project as part of the Partial Administration Contract for the Tambopata National Reserve (RNTAMB) and the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park (PNBS), both NPAs […]

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Financiamiento de la conservación y uso sostenible del suelo en la Amazonia

Proyecto agroforestal y REDD+ Tambopata-Bahuaja de Althelia

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Forests Investments

Fertile Ground: State of Forest Carbon Finance 2017

By Kelley Hamrick, Melissa Gallant

Policymakers around the world recognize the potential for natural land area to combat climate change: a total of 97 countries mentioned specific plans to reduce emissions from deforestation or increase forest cover in their Paris Agreement commitments. As the international community and domestic lawmakers figure out how to meet their emissions reductions targets in a […]

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The UK Modern Slavery Act and EU Timber Regulation

Synergies and Divergence

By Duncan Brack, Jade Saunders

In recent years, international supply chains for many primary products have come under scrutiny due to increased demands from consumers or regulatory bodies to ensure no negative social or environmental impacts are associated with their production. The UK Modern Slavery Act (MSA), enacted in 2015, has created new requirements for all industrial sectors to ensure[…]

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Biodiversity Investments

State of Biodiversity Mitigation 2017

Markets and Compensation for Global Infrastructure Development

By Genevieve Bennett, Melissa Gallant, Kerry ten Kate

Between 2015 and 2030, global spending on transportation networks, energy, utilities, and other essential infrastructure is expected to double. This infrastructure development is necessary to keep pace with growing populations, our current infrastructure’s depreciation, and the moral imperative to provide a basic modern standard of living for all people on this planet. However, this infrastructure […]

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Agriculture Forests

EnviroAtlas Use Cases

Assessing Ecosystem Markets Opportunities on Public and Private Lands: New Tools and Data for Decision-Making

By Forest Trends, Ecosystem Marketplace

WASHINGTON, DC (15 November 2017) — Since 2014, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace has partnered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Office of Environmental Markets to expand access to tools and data on ecosystem market mechanisms in the United States. The partnership aims to support policy-makers, natural resource managers, […]