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Harnessing Private Investor ‘Willingness-to-Pay’ for Climate Change Mitigation

A Mechanism to Co-fund Public Commitments to Achieve the Goals of the Paris Agreement

By Rupert Edwards

Private investors currently have little opportunity to deploy investment capital on concessionary terms for climate impact. This paper proposes that a significant percentage of social responsible investment (SRI), impact, and many mainstream investors would be willing to pay a modest donation on the nominal value of their investment portfolios in order to support climate change[…]

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Agriculture Forests

Tackling Deforestation and the Trade in Forest Risk Commodities: Consumer-Country Measures and the ‘Legality Approach’

By Duncan Brack

The world continues to lose forests at an unsustainable rate. Deforestation contributes to climate change, degrades local environments, destroys habitats and biodiversity, and impoverishes forest communities and indigenous peoples. A significant proportion of this forest clearance has been illegal. This brief proposes a “legality approach” – an attempt to reduce the level of illegal behavior […]

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Agriculture Investments Water

Evaluating Potential for Water Transfer Markets in the US Southeast

By Genevieve Bennett, Johnwilliam Carroll, Melissa Gallant, and Kelley Hamrick

Every few years, the Southeast US experiences a major drought – the most recent occurring in 2016, when soil moisture reached the 2nd lowest ever recorded between October to November.1 During these times, the increased frequency of above-normal temperatures and below-normal rainfall during the growing season can result in major agricultural impacts, including: row-crop losses[…]

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Climate Communities

The Surui Forest Carbon Project

A Case Study

By Steve Zwick

Indigenous people have contributed less to climate change than has any other segment of the population, yet they are among those most vulnerable to its impacts. At the same time, agriculture and forestry generate roughly 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, while traditional land-management practices, such as agroforestry and permaculture, can dramatically improve the […]

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O Projeto de Carbono Florestal Suruí


By Steve Zwick
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Climate Communities Forests

Control y Vigilancia Territorial Indígena en América Latina: Reflexiones, buenas prácticas y desafíos

En América Latina se encuentra la mitad de los bosques tropicales del mundo, y una cuarta parte de estos se ubican en los territorios de comunidades y pueblos indígenas formando parte de su identidad y medios de vida. Estos pueblos y comunidades a través de la implementación de mecanismos de control y vigilancia desarrollados en[…]

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Regulating the Trade in Illegal Timber: Republic of Korea Update

State of Play October 2018

By Jade Saunders and Marigold Norman

In August 2018, the Government of the Republic of Korea released national Detailed Standards for Determining the Legality of Imported Timber and Timber Products to support implementation of the Revised Act on the Sustainable Use of Timbers.  The Act mandates that all companies comply with these implementing standards starting October 1, 2018. The implementing standards […]

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불법 목재교역 제한 : 한국 업데이트

By Jade Saunders and Marigold Norman
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Screening New Market Opportunities for Sustainably Managed State, Private and Tribal Working Forests

By Genevieve Bennett and Melissa Gallant

Sustainably managed working forests provide not just wood and fiber, but a range of other benefits: clean water, wildlife habitat, carbon storage, flood protection, recreational and cultural values, and more. Scaling up investments in sustainable forest management can generate financial returns for good stewardship of these multiple conservation values. The United States Forest Service (USFS) […]

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Yawanawa Life Plan

The Yawanawa Life Plan establishes how territorial governance is conducted in order to promote conservation and protect communities’ well-being in their 187,000 hectares in the Gregorio River Indigenous Reserve in the Brazilian Amazon. This book also documents many years of Yawanawa history, details the way that they have developed their organizational capacity and their initiatives,[…]

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Mapping Potential Demand for Water Quality Trading in the United States

By Genevieve Bennett and Melissa Gallant

Water quality trading is a promising tool that offers a flexible, more cost-effective approach to reducing pollution in our waterways than more traditional engineered solutions. Yet a lack of sufficient demand for credits has been a consistent barrier to scaling up water quality trading in the United States. The National Network on Water Quality Trading […]

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Breaking Down Barriers: Priority Actions for Advancing Water Quality Trading

By Willamette Partnership and Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace

Water quality trading is a cost-effective way to meet clean water goals and deliver multiple benefits for people, fish, and wildlife. Yet, compared to other environmental markets (think: carbon offsets), interest and demand for water quality credit trading has been slow to catch on. A new report from the National Network on Water Quality Trading, […]

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Breaking Down Barriers: Priority Actions for Advancing Water Quality Trading – Executive Summary

By Willamette Partnership and Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace