Nós, Pangyjēj Zoró: nossa terra e as mudanças climáticas (We, Pangyjēj Zoró: our land and climate change)
By Edilson Waratan Zoró, Agnaldo Zawandu Zoró, Alfredo Sep Kiat Zoró, Joel Zap Kalala Zoró, Carlos Xipipa Zoró, Carlito Tandat Karej Zoró e Maria BarcellosDesenvolvida a partir dos materiais produzidos nas oficinas para formação de “Mediadores Culturais no Corredor Etnoambiental Tupi Mondé sobre o tema das Mudanças Climáticas e Governança Territorial”, esta cartilha foi criada para apoiar o trabalho dos professores nas escolas indígenas do povo Pangyjēj Zoró e para ajudar as crianças a entenderem as dinâmicas que envolvem[…]
Nós, Ikólóéhj Gavião: nossa terra e as mudanças climáticas (We, Ikólóéhj Gavião: our land and climate change)
By Enildo Kavtere Gavião, Eronice Gavião, Iran Káv sona Gavião, Claudinei Gavião, Edemilson Gavião, Márcio Gavião, José Palahv Gavião e Maria BarcellosDesenvolvida a partir dos materiais produzidos nas oficinas para formação de “Mediadores Culturais no Corredor Etno – ambiental Tupi Mondé sobre o tema das Mudanças Climá – ticas e Governança Territorial”, essa cartilha foi criada para apoiar o trabalho dos professores nas escolas indígenas do povo Ikólóéhj Gavião e para ajudar as crianças a entende[…]
Child Labor Laws and Policies in Ghana
With Specific Emphasis on the Cocoa Sector
By Taylor Crabbe, Forest Trends, and FernThis report, by Ghanaian Law Firm Taylor Crabbe, details the legislative and institutional framework for the protection of human and labor rights, and specifically child labor, in Ghana. It concludes that there is an elaborate existing legislative and institutional framework for the protection of labor and human rights in Ghana, including detailed laws and policies […]
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Infografía: La Infraestructura Natural en la Prensa Peruana
Radiografía a los Diarios Peruanos de Mayor Circulación
By NIWS PerúLos medios de comunicación son reconocidos por ser el termómetro de una sociedad, de un país. El espacio que dedican a la cobertura de un tema tan fundamental para el Perú como la seguridad hídrica, debería ser un indicador clave para alertar a la ciudadanía y gobierno sobre qué prioridad le estamos dando a un[…]
List of China’s MoUs Related to Forestry
As of March 2020
The following is a list of MoUs that China has established with other countries in the realm of forestry collaboration, as of March 2020. This list is by no means inclusive. The focus of the MoUs can range from illegal logging and associated trade specifically, CITES, or on forest products trade and sustainable forest management[…]
CORSIA Market Analysis: Global Carbon Markets Can More than Meet Civil Aviation Demand
Global airlines are committed to delivering “carbon neutral growth” in flights between countries, even if international air traffic doubles or triples, as some are projecting. That commitment kicks in next year, and a key vehicle for meeting it is the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, or CORSIA market. Created through the UN’s […]
Metodologías CUBHIC: Qochas
By Michael E. Foster, David Chen, and Mark S. KieserEste documento metodológico es parte de una serie de Metodologías CUBHIC, publicadas por Forest Trends en asociación con Kieser & Associates y nuestros socios implementadores del proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica, CONDESAN, SPDA, EcoDecisión e Imperial College London. Cada metodología permite la cuantificación de beneficios hídricos de intervenciones en la infraestructura natural al[…]
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Calculadora de Beneficios CUBHIC: Qochas
By Michael E. Foster, David Chen, and Mark S. KieserCommitments in-Country: Companies, Cattle, & Commitments that Count in Paraguay
By Philip Rothrock, Laura WeathererOver the past few decades, Paraguay has had one of the highest rates of forest loss in the world, largely due to rapid expansion of cattle ranching, especially in the western Chaco region. Here, cattle are raised to produce beef, leather, and dairy products; most of the leather and beef is exported internationally to satisfy […]
Metodologías CUBHIC: Restauración y Protección de Humedales
By Michael E. Foster, David Chen, and Mark S. KieserEste documento metodológico es parte de una serie de Metodologías CUBHIC, publicadas por Forest Trends en asociación con Kieser & Associates y nuestros socios implementadores del proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica, CONDESAN, SPDA, EcoDecisión e Imperial College London. Cada metodología permite la estimación de beneficios hídricos de intervenciones en la infraestructura natural al[…]
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How has the EU enforced the common position on teak imports from Myanmar?
EU imports of Burmese timber continue despite European enforcement authorities and the European Commission concluding that such imports do not comply with the EU Timber Regulation. Imports are shifting away from countries with high enforcement effectiveness, but are still entering into the EU.
By Marigold NormanEU imports of Burmese timber continue despite European enforcement authorities and the European Commission concluding that such imports do not comply with the EU Timber Regulation. Imports are shifting away from countries with high enforcement effectiveness, but are still entering into the EU.