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Community Benefits Sharing in the Forestry Sector: Liberia’s Legislative Framework & Track Record on Sharing Land Rental Fees from Commercial Forestry 2007-2019

Liberia’s legislative framework explicitly requires that communities impacted by logging should also share in the benefits of the commercial activity. This briefing summarizes the legal requirements on benefits sharing and then analyzes Liberia’s track record implementing this framework since resumption of logging after the country’s civil war. The forthcoming National Forest Forum and subsequent efforts[…]

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“Conflict Rubber” and Land Rights in Southeastern Myanmar

By Kevin Woods, Naomi Basik Treanor, and Mike Dwyer

In the northern Tanintharyi (Tenasserim) Region of southeastern Myanmar, after decades of war, rubber expansion is aggravating tenure insecurity and ethnic political conflict, ultimately undermining peacebuilding and security. Since the main Mon and Karen (Kayin) rebel groups signed ceasefires with the Myanmar military in 2012, rubber production has expanded southward from its epicenter in Mon[…]

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Rubber Plantation Value Chains in Laos: Opportunities and Constraints in Policy, Legality and Wood Processing

By Hilary Smith, Juliet Lu, Phuc Xuan To, Soytavanh Mienmany, Khonethong Soukphaxay

Studies on rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR, Laos) have largely focussed on land allocation and relations between the Lao State, investors, and Lao rubber farmers. The history and international context, and some environmental and social impacts have been investigated to a lesser extent, and there are no comprehensive studies[…]

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Analysis of China’s Trade with the EU and VPA Countries 2010-2019

By EU FLEGT Facility and Forest Trends

This paper assesses China’s forest product imports from FLEGT VPA countries and exports to the European Union (EU) plus European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) Member States between 2010-2019, set within the context of overall trade and market dynamics driving China’s supply and demand for forest products. We demonstrate that following China’s closure of its own[…]

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Investments Water

Infografía – ¿Qué activos estratégicos intervenir con IOARR en Ecosistemas?

Las inversiones en optimización, ampliación marginal, reposición y rehabilitación – IOARR son intervenciones puntuales sobre uno o más activos estratégicos (AE) que integran una Unidad Productora (UP). En el caso de IOARR aplicadas a infraestructura natural, la Unidad Productora es un ECOSISTEMA determinado (como un bofedal o bosque seco) que brinda servicios diversos, como regulación[…]

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Peeling Back The Bark: Timber Tracking and Regulations Controlling the Peruvian Forest Supply Chain

By Alfredo Rodriguez Zunino

In the final quarter of 2019, the Peruvian Forest Service (SERFOR) published three new sets of “resoluciones ejecutivas” (executive resolutions) to improve tracking and controls in the forest supply chain. These enforceable directives laid out the documentation required to comply with the Peruvian Forest Law of 2011 and subsequent regulations (largely finalized in 2015). The […]

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The Japanese Clean Wood Act: Effectively Cleaning Up?

By Mari Momii and Jade Saunders

In May 2016, the Government of Japan introduced the Act on Promotion of Use and Distribution of Legally- Harvested Wood and Wood Products – also known as the Clean Wood Act (CWA). Though it is Japan’s first piece of legislation requiring companies to trade in legal timber, the CWA created no penalties for those found […]

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Metodologías CUBHIC: Amunas

By Javier Antiporta, Edwing Arapa y Vivien Bonnesoeur, en base a la metodología elaborada por Kieser & Associates, LLC

Este documento metodológico es parte de una serie de Metodologías CUBHIC, publicadas por Forest Trends en asociación con Kieser & Associates y nuestros socios implementadores del proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica, CONDESAN, SPDA, EcoDecisión e Imperial College London. Cada metodología permite la cuantificación de beneficios hídricos de intervenciones en la infraestructura natural al[…]

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Impactos de las zanjas de infiltración en el agua y los suelos: ¿Qué sabemos?

By Bruno Locatelli, Jan-Markus Homberger, Boris F. Ochoa-Tocachi, Vivien Bonnesoeur, Francisco Román, Fabián Drenkhan, Wouter Buytaert

Las intervenciones de manejo de la infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica gozan de un interés creciente a nivel nacional e internacional para enfrentar problemas relacionados al agua o al cambio climático. En muchas partes del mundo, se han implementado tecnologías de conservación de agua y suelos, como andenes, cercos vivos, control de cárcavas, zanjas[…]

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Guía HIRO – Herramienta de Identificación Rápida de Oportunidades para la Infraestructura Natural en la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres

Con las crecientes amenazas del cambio climático, existe una necesidad urgente de priorizar la reducción proactiva del riesgo de desastres en lugar de reaccionar ante eventos de desastre. Los ecosistemas saludables se reconocen cada vez más como herramientas importantes para prevenir y minimizar el riesgo de desastres. El uso de infraestructura natural para la gestión[…]