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India’s Wooden Furniture and Wooden Handicrafts: Risk of Trade in Illegally Harvested Wood

By Marigold Norman and Kerstin Canby

This report document’s India’s role in the global timber supply chain, with a particular focus on the extent to which India’s furniture and handicrafts industries’ high demand for wood products from around the world may be driving India’s imports of illegally harvested wood. India’s rapidly expanding furniture manufacturing industries are setting their sights on close […]

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Communities Forests

La esencia de nuestra existencia hasta que el sol se apague. Experiencias y aprendizajes en gobernanza territorial indígena en la Amazonía

Until the sun stops shining: Experiences and lessons in indigenous territorial governance in the Amazon

Hay muchas voces detrás de las luchas que enfrentan hoy los pueblos indígenas en la Amazonía, y ofrecen lecciones importantes para hacer valer sus derechos sobre sus tierras y recursos. Esta sabiduría debe estar disponible para las generaciones actuales y futuras de líderes indígenas. Este nuevo libro captura las voces de 22 líderes indígenas de[…]

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State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020: Voluntary Carbon and the Post-Pandemic Recovery

A Special Climate Week NYC 2020 Installment of Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020 Report

By Stephen Donofrio, Patrick Maguire, Steve Zwick, and William Merry

In this special Climate Week NYC installment of the State of Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020, we discuss key insights and findings garnered from Forest Trends’ annual 2020 Ecosystem Marketplace Carbon Survey cycle. Key Findings from this installment: Corporate carbon-neutral pledges fueled a record transaction volume of at least 104 MtCO2e in 2019, which is an[…]

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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020

Every year since 2006, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace initiative has tracked, through its globally-recognized survey, what would otherwise be an opaque market. This work has served as a consistent and comprehensive price discovery mechanism, while at the same time shedding light on the active project developers and intermediaries, thus answering fundamental questions about market dynamics, […]

Dependent Documents

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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020

Voluntary Carbon and the Post-Pandemic Recovery

By Stephen Donofrio, Patrick Maguire, Steve Zwick, and William Merry
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Investments Water

Preguntas y Respuestas: Las inversiones IOARR como medida de rápido impacto en la recuperación de los ecosistemas

By Yessica Armas

Las preguntas sistematizadas en esta publicación fueron realizadas en el marco del Webinar “Las inversiones IOARR como medida de rápido impacto en la recuperación de los ecosistemas” que contó con la participación de 645 especialistas de 13 regiones del Perú.

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Climate Communities Forests

The Economics of Climate Change Mitigation in Indigenous Territories

By Chris Van Dam

Indigenous populations of the Amazon own 210 million hectares of land and have proven to be highly skilled in the field of forest conservation: the deforestation rate is 0.8%, i.e., even less than that of protected areas (1.1%) and obviously significantly lower than that of the Amazon as a whole. However, under the rules of […]

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Ten Steps Towards Enforceable Due Diligence Regulations that Protect Forests

By Jade Saunders

Change is in the air. New regulations to address deforestation are under development in the EU, UK, and US and there is a groundswell of support, from civil society and corporate actors alike, for Due Diligence requirements to form the backbone of such legislation. This development is timely; a host of academic research now illustrates[…]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Communities Forests Investments

Economia Indígena

Há duas esferas da economia indígena: a economia de reciprocidade e a economia de mercado. A economia da reciprocidade está relacionada às práticas tradicionais, às dinâmicas de trocas, a produção de forma coletiva, independentemente de relações monetárias ou financeiras. Alguns atritos e tensões se estabelecem quando essa economia da reciprocidade se relaciona com a economia […]

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Programa de Mediadores Culturales (Cultural Mediators Program)

Brasil, Colombia, y México. Noviembre 2018. (Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. November 2018)

The Cultural Mediators program trains teachers and develops educational materials for young indigenous students on territorial governance, natural resource management, climate change, and cultural traditions. This document represents the work of Forest Trends and partners throughout Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil.

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What is in Myanmar’s EITI Forestry Reports for 2016-2018?

By Forest Trends

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) requires countries to disclose financial information on their natural resource sector. The Myanmar EITI (MEITI) was one of the few countries to disclose forestry data alongside mining and oil and gas. The most recent reports cover FY16 & 17, coinciding with the first two years of the new National[…]