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State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020: The Only Constant is Change

By Stephen Donofrio, Patrick Maguire, Steve Zwick, William Merry, Jordan Wildish, and Kim Myers

Building upon the first installment of the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020, this second installment presents additional Ecosystem Marketplace data and analysis in light of recent recommendations from the Institute of International Finance’s Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets to provide insights into: How voluntary carbon offset market participants price both core carbon […]

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Infografía Bofedales

Ecosistemas milenarios que aseguran el agua

Esta infografía presenta el funcionamiento del tipo de bofedal formador de turba (suelo orgánico), también conocido como turbera. Este ecosistema se caracteriza por la riqueza de materia orgánica de sus suelos, y aunque solo cubren el 3% de la superficie terrestre del planeta, almacenan el 30 % de todo el carbono que se encuentra actualmente[…]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments Water

Forest Trends Impact Report 2020

You can’t run conservation trainings, gather partners, meet with government ministers, or conduct scientific field work during a pandemic – at least not the way you normally do. Yet in 2020, so much important work was done to lay the runway for tremendous climate action in 2021, even if that work didn’t dominate news headlines. […]

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Agriculture Climate Communities Forests

Tackling (illegal) deforestation in cocoa supply chains: What impact can demand-side regulations have?

By Marigold Norman and Jade Saunders

Rising demand for commodities such as soy, beef, palm oil, cocoa, coffee, and rubber is driving tropical deforestation globally, half of which is estimated to be illegal. Governments in the UK, EU, and the USA are now aiming to develop regulatory approaches to ensure imported agricultural commodities are not being sourced from deforested lands, or at[…]

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Investments Water

Guía para la Evaluación de Intervenciones en Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica: Escala de Efectividad, Equidad y Sostenibilidad

By Jan Cassin, Bruno Locatelli

La Guía para la Evaluación de Intervenciones en Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica. Escala de Efectividad, Equidad y Sostenibilidad es un documento que permite orientar los esfuerzos de evaluación de proyectos e iniciativas vinculadas a infraestructura natural. En él se desarrolla una escala que permite medir el proceso gradual de avance de las intervenciones[…]

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Communities Forests

Vietnam’s Import of Tropical Timber and the Implementation of the Vietnam Timber Legality Assurance System: Africa, Cambodia, Laos, and Papua New Guinea.

By Phuc Xuan To, Cao Thi Cam, Tran Le Huy

On October 30, 2020, Vietnam started to implement its Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS) with strict guidelines on how government authorities and companies would ensure the legality of Vietnam’s imported timber from high-risk sources. In this joint report between Forest Trends and the main timber trade associations of Vietnam, we explain the criteria and mechanisms[…]

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Biodiversity Investments Water

Pay for Performance

Case Studies in Ecological Restoration and Green Infrastructure

By Steve Zwick

It’s been a quarter of a millennium since a small part of Prince George’s County, Maryland, was peeled off to become part of the United States’ new capital city of Washington, DC. The change in jurisdiction went unnoticed by the water cycle. Stormwater on both sides of the boundary spilled into the shared Chesapeake Bay […]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests

The World is Losing Its Forests. Community-led Conservation Can Help.


By Cheyenne Coxon and Genevieve Bennett

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Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests

Charcoal Production in Myanmar: Links to Illegality, Deforestation, and Rural Livelihoods in Tanintharyi Region

By Kevin M. Woods

Myanmar has the highest rate of mangrove loss in Southeast Asia, despite widespread recognition that these ecosystems are critical to protect local villages from coastal flooding. Charcoal production is a significant driver of mangrove deforestation in the country.   Forest Trends’ new data shows that the Myanmar Forest Department significantly underestimates the volume of mangrove[…]

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Biodiversity Communities

Fact Sheet: Community-led Conservation

The world is facing a mass extinction event, and so far has failed to meet any of its targets to reverse catastrophic biodiversity loss. As governments consider how to incorporate biodiversity and other “green recovery” concerns into COVID-19 stimulus measures and recovery plans, they must look beyond traditional “top-down” conservation strategies. A growing body of […]