State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2008
Forging A Frontier
By Katherine Hamilton, Milo Sjardin, Thomas Marcello, Gordon XuThe volume of voluntary emission offsets traded on the “over the counter” market (e.g., outside of the formalized Chicago Climate Exchange, or CCX) nearly tripled in 2007, and Ecosystem Marketplace has once again teamed up with New Carbon Finance to crunch and analyze this fascinating market. The full report is now available for download. Titled “Forging […]
State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2007
Picking Up Steam
By Katherine Hamilton, Ricardo Bayon, Guy Turner, Douglas HigginsOn July 17th, 2007, Ecosystem Marketplace and New Carbon Finance issued one of the first ever in-depth reports on the voluntary carbon market. State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2007: Picking Up Steam is a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the voluntary carbon market with information on prices and volumes traded, as well as an analysis of […]
Market Options and Barriers for Timber and Sawnwood from Michoacán, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Campeche and Quinatana Roo, Mexico
This study is one of several country-level market assessments that analyze the scope of opportunities for community forest enterprises to participate effectively in forest sector markets. As part of its global analytical program, Forest Trends and its international partners have identified a new forest agenda which seeks to make markets work for low-income producers and […]
Dependent Documents
Market Options and Barriers for Timber and Sawnwood from Michoacán, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Campeche and Quinatana Roo (English Summary)
By Tania Kaimowitz - Forest TrendsEmail Signup
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Forest Certification and Small Forest Enterprises
Key Trends and Impacts - Benefits and Barriers
By Rebecca Butterfield, Eric Hansen, Richard Fletcher, and Hanna Nikinmaa - Rainforest Alliance, Oregon State University, Oregon State University Extension, Savcor, Forest TrendsAs certification of forest management practices enters its second decade, questions have been raised regarding the impacts of forest certification and its future trajectory. While many of the concerns that led to the development of forest certification initially were focused on environmental issues, subsequent issues have emerged related to the social and economic impacts of […]
Serie de Guías de infraestructura natural para la gestión del riesgo de desastres
Guías para elaborar estudios definitivos de infraestructura natural (IN) con enfoque de gestión del riesgo de desastres (GRD)
En construcción…