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Agriculture Forests

Illegal Deforestation and Agricultural Commodities: Uganda

By Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance Initiative

Agricultural conversion is the main driver of forest loss in Uganda. The majority of Uganda’s forest-risk agricultural products are sold and consumed domestically (particularly cassava, beef, maize, and groundnuts). Shifting agriculture is responsible for 94 percent of Uganda’s forest loss, with a further two percent linked to commercial agriculture and mining. While there are good […]

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Climate Investments

State of the Voluntary Carbon Market 2024

By Alex Procton

Ecosystem Marketplace (EM) publishes our annual State of the Voluntary Carbon Market (SOVCM) report–a series now approaching the two-decade mark–to provide a comprehensive overview of the global supply and demand of voluntary carbon credits. We interview and collect annual disclosures from market participants representing the majority of project developers and credit resellers, and combine this with registry […]

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Catálogos de Artesanato

Português A cadeia de valor do artesanato se configura como de extrema importância para os povos originários, destaca-se pela riqueza cultural e a diversidade de peças produzidas por talentosas artesãs, que não apenas preservam tradições ancestrais, mas também promovem autonomia e sustento para suas comunidades. Através da Iniciativa Comunidades e Governança Territorial da Forest Trends, […]

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Investments Water

Haciendo el Camino 2024

Resultados del Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica

By Mia Smith

Las sequías, inundaciones, incendios y huaycos de los últimos años demuestran la vulnerabilidad del Perú ante los riesgos hídricos y climáticos. La infraestructura natural–como bosques, bofedales, pastizales, matorrales y páramos– junto con las prácticas tradicionales de conservación del agua y los suelos, contribuyen a reducir estos riesgos. También proporcionan importantes beneficios colaterales, como la mitigación […]

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Journey towards Water Security 2024

Results to Date, Natural Infrastructure for Water Security Project

By Mia Smith
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Liberia Forest Concession Review: Phase II

In 2014, the Government of Norway signed a Letter of Intent with the Government of Liberia (GoL) promising US$150 million to support sustainable development that reduces deforestation and forest degradation. As part of the agreement, the GoL is required to complete an independent investigation that examines the legality of existing logging contracts. The GoL contracted[…]

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China’s wood-based forest product imports and exports: trends and implication

By Y. WANG, X. SUN, and C. ZHU

This paper presents trends in China’s forest product imports and exports during 1998–2019, by analyzing trade data from China’s General Customs Administration (GCA). It was found that over the past two decades both imports and exports of forest products have experienced huge growth, making China an important player in the global forest products market. China’s […]

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“Kpokolo”: A New Threat to Liberia’s Forests

By David Young and Arthur Blundell

This report reveals how Liberian companies are increasingly ignoring the law to convert and export logs in an altered form to the detriment of small-scale millers, national rule of law, and Liberia’s forest ecosystem. This report advocates for the Government of Liberia to implement Liberia’s Chainsaw Milling Regulation, as well as the wider reform process […]

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Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments Water

Forest Trends Impact Report 2023

The Magic of Coalitions

Climate change, forest loss, the biodiversity crisis, the sustainable development imperative: none of these can be fixed through business as usual. None of these challenges will be addressed by individuals, individual institutions, nor individual countries. It will take all of us together. This is why we spend so much time investing in people and in […]

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Cartilla de Recursos

Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica

El Proyecto Infraestructura Natural para la Seguridad Hídrica trabaja para fortalecer la información, las herramientas y los mecanismos de implementación necesarios para escalar inversiones efectivas y equitativas en infraestructura natural para la seguridad hídrica. Esta cartilla comparte recursos clave a disposición del público, organizados en seis secciones: Estado del conocimiento sobre infraestructura natural para la[…]

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Resource Catalog

Natural Infrastructure for Water Security Project

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All In On Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies

Ecosystem Marketplace is pleased to publish this 2023 report, All In On Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies, which serves as the first major update since 2016 to its landmark “Taking Stock” report series. When initially launched in 2015, the report illuminated for the first time the realities of how companies […]