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Report Charts 26.5 Million ha under Protection as Demand Grows for Forest Carbon Offsets
6 November 2013 | Washington, D.C. | Carbon finance is supporting the management of forests spanning 26.5 million hectares worldwide after businesses in 2012 injected a near-record $216 million into projects that plant trees, avoid deforestation, improve forest management, and support low-carbon agriculture. These projects, a key defense against the ecological and socio-economic impacts of […]
3 October 2013 | WASHINGTON, D.C. | The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has awarded a $13 million grant to Forest Trends and its Forest-Based Livelihoods Consortium to strengthen the role of indigenous and historically marginalized forest communities in combatting climate change. The program, known as “Accelerating Inclusion and Mitigating Emissions” (AIME), seeks […]
Perú toma el liderazgo en el mercado global de créditos de carbono; bosques y estufas limpias atraen interés de corporaciones privadas alrededor del mundo
LIMA—(15 Julio 2013). Perú está ganando gran importancia global, así como otros países de Latinoamérica, en los esfuerzos para usar las fuerzas del mercado para enfrentar el cambio climático. En el 2012, compañías privadas en Estados Unidos y Europa compraron alrededor de 3.4 millones de toneladas métricas de compensaciones de carbono, provenientes de los proyectos […]
Embargoed: Voluntary Carbon Offsetting Tops 100 Million Tonnes as Market Goes “Clean and Green”
30 May 2013 | Washington, D.C. | Voluntary demand for carbon offsetting grew 6% in 2012, when buyers committed more than $522 million to offset 101 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Private sector buyers flocked to offsets earned by planting trees, saving tropical forests, or distributing clean cookstoves in the developing world, according […]
Embargoed: Forest Carbon Prices Doubled in Record-Setting 2011
2 November 2012 | Washington, D.C. | The price of forest carbon credits doubled in 2011, leading to a record market value of $237 million according to Leveraging the Landscape: State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2012. The report, which aggregates data from 451 individual forest carbon projects historically, was published Thursday by Forest Trends’ […]
EMBARGOED: Voluntary Carbon Offsetting Hits Three-Year High on US Action, Wind Farms, and Clean Development
31 May 2012 | Cologne, Carbon Expo | The market for voluntary carbon offsetting hit a three-year high in 2011, transacting more than $576 million of offsets, second only to 2008’s record $776 million. This finding comes from the 6th “State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets” report, released today at Carbon Expo in Cologne, Germany […]
Indigenous Tribe Earns Validation for Landmark Forest Carbon Project
Washington, DC | April 12, 2012 – A small tribe of indigenous people unknown to the outside world a half-century ago and once on the brink of extinction has harnessed an innovative forest carbon project to shield their territory from illegal logging and preserve their chosen way of life. As a result, the 1300-strong Paiter-Surui […]