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Fast Company: Investors Are Pouring Money Into Conservation Efforts (It’s Actually A Great Investment)
From sustainable “blue economy” projects to restoration projects for wetlands, streams, and animal habitats, conservation-related projects have been drawing a significant amount of investor money in recent years. Investments that produce a financial return and a “measurable environmental result” climbed 62% from 2013-2015, a new report found, indicating that traditional divisions between conservation, philanthropy and […]
Civil Engineering: Growing Spending on Nature-Based Solutions Protects More Water Sources, Report Says
With growing recognition of the value of ecosystem services for protecting water sources, governments and other entities around the world spent nearly $25 billion in 2015 on nature-based solutions to secure water supplies.
Triple Pundit: Investors Put Over $8B Into Conservation: Can It Continue in the Trump Era?
On a mild, rainy day in Washington, D.C., America inaugurated its 45th president. The incoming administration represents a fundamental shift from the outgoing Obama administration. And the White House website was updated accordingly. Instead of a clean-energy future, now announces: “President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan […]
Triple Pundit: Investors Put Over $8B Into Conservation: Can It Continue in the Trump Era?
On a mild, rainy day in Washington, D.C., America inaugurated its 45th president. The incoming administration represents a fundamental shift from the outgoing Obama administration. And the White House website was updated accordingly. Instead of a clean-energy future, now announces: “President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate […]
Globalnyt (Danish): Private pengestrømme til naturbevarelse er steget markant
Der kommer flere midler fra den private sektor til beskyttelse af naturen. Pengestrømmen er steget med 62% fra 2013 til 2015, så den nu er oppe på 8,2 milliarder dollar, viser ny opgørelse.
Business Today (Kenya): Planting trees counters climate change in coast
News of the continuing drought in Kenya caught the attention of the global business community last week, with speculation that the recent poor short rains would have a negative effect on coffee bean yields and their prices.
LifeGate (Italian): Gli investimenti verdi sono aumentati del 62% in pochi anni
Ricerca di Forest Trends mostra come nel biennio 2013-2015 gli investimenti verdi in attività sostenibili sia aumentato in maniera decisa.
MeteoWeb (Italian): Nel mondo boom investimenti ‘green’ dal 2013 al 2015: aumento del 62 per cento
Gli investimenti ‘green’ in tutto il mondo a difesa della natura, in attivita’ sostenibili, hanno visto un’impennata fra il 2013 e il 2015 Per approfondire
Ecologiae (Italian): Rapporto Forest Trend nel mondo sono in aumento gli investimenti verdi
Ottime notizie per l’ambiente arrivano dal recente rapporto di Forest Trends Ecosystem Marketplace. Secondo lo studio promosso dalla ONG attiva su temi green e di salvaguardia dell’ambiente, gli investimenti verdi in tutto il mondo in energia pulita e difesa dell’ambiente sarebbero in netta crescita e il trend sarebbe positivo già a partire dal 2013. Gli […]
GreenBiz: The state of private investment in conservation
Economists and businesses traditionally have viewed most natural resources as raw material inputs. To have ultimate value, these resources generally need to be processed, developed or otherwise modified. Recent years have seen investors asserting that the conservation of these resources has demonstrable financial value as well.