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The Phnom Penh Post: NGO report finds banned exports of logs to Vietnam increased
The ostensibly-outlawed export of logs to Vietnam increased in May, while the trade in sawn timber, also supposedly banned, remained substantial, new Vietnamese customs data shows.
Forestry South Africa: Europeans Importing More Timber From Conflict Zones
EU timber imports from conflict countries, which are at high risk of being illegal, have increased 14 percent, despite the European Union’s Timber Regulation (EUTR) legislation’s requirement that companies ensure that only legal timber enters the EU market, according to a new Forest Trends report.
Stock Market – Wall Street Select: Supply Chain Transparency: Making the Consumer Connection for Forest Responsibility
Humans have always had an intimate, complicated relationship with forests. We clear away trees to make room for development and agriculture, harvest them for paper, pulp, and palm oil and seek refuge in their remaining intact solitude. Human wellbeing depends on trees.
Triple Pundit: Supply Chain Transparency: Making the Consumer Connection for Forest Responsibility
Humans have always had an intimate, complicated relationship with forests. We clear away trees to make room for development and agriculture, harvest them for paper, pulp, and palm oil and seek refuge in their remaining intact solitude. Human wellbeing depends on trees.
The Phnom Penh Post: Vietnamese data show timber exports are continuing
New Vietnamese customs data for April shows timber continued to flow across Cambodia’s border to Vietnam despite Cambodian authorities announcing a ban on lumber exports to the country’s eastern neighbour more than a year ago.
Khmer Times: Disarmed FARC rebels to fight against deforestation
Disarmed FARC fighters, now in demobilised zones, have been recruited to protect rainforests from farmers seeking grazing land and criminal gangs cutting down trees for illegal gold mining, writes Anastasia Moloney in Caqueta, Colombia.
The Cambodia Daily: Government Probes NGO Behind Damning Timber Racket Report
More than a month after confirming its investigation into new reports of rampant timber trafficking between Cambodia and Vietnam, the Environment Ministry remains tight-lipped about what—if any—progress it is making, but says the U.K. NGO that exposed the scale of the problem is itself being scrutinized.
Ecosystem Marketplace: Can This Swiss Feed Supplement Do For Cows What Tesla Is Doing For Cars?
More than 1.5 billion cows graze this great earth, and each of them has four stomachs.
Thomson Reuters Foundation News: FEATURE-As Colombia’s FARC disarms, rebels enlisted to fight deforestation
CAQUETA, Colombia, June 9 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Seen from the air, muddy rivers snake through rolling forested hills stretching to the horizon in Colombia’s southern province of Caqueta that for decades were rebel lairs and an epicentre of the civil war. News: Long plagued by illegal logging, Cambodia faces accusations of corruption
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – It was June 1999, and Cambodia’s then-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Chhea Song, was addressing a regional symposium on forestry law enforcement in Phnom Penh.