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Yale 360: The Value of Nature: Changing the Equation on Global Conservation
Early in his career, Michael Jenkins ’88 M.F. came to realize that traditional conservation methods would have limited effectiveness until they put a proper value on the natural world. Over the past two decades Jenkins, the CEO and founder of Forest Trends, has helped change the equation.
World Economic Forum: When it comes to envirotech adoption, NGOs can lead us out of the woods
Facebook seemed so frivolous when it first emerged 15 years ago, but look at it now: this glorified chatroom has completely upended the very sector it seemed destined to complement, becoming in the process the epitome of a “disruptive technology”. Lyft and Uber have since done the same to the sector formerly known as “taxis”, […]
Business Wire: “The Forgotten Solution” Coalition Writes from Climate Summit to United Nations: Don’t Forget Forests, Food and Land
Keeping global temperatures under a 2-degree rise will require enormous carbon savings from forests, food, and lands – nearly as much as from renewable energy – say leading environmental groups represented this week at the Global Climate Action Summit.
Illegal Mining Forces Suspension of Groundbreaking Forest Carbon Project in Brazil
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Suruí Forest Carbon Project slowed deforestation, but couldn’t overcome destruction caused by illegal gold and diamond mining. The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) will tap its pooled buffer account for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) to ensure environmental integrity of offsets already sold. As the first indigenous-led conservation effort to be […] News: Aligning forces for tropical forests as a climate change solution (commentary)
Tropical forests could be critical to avoiding extremely dangerous impacts of climate change. New strategies and commitments have inspired hope and driven important progress and innovations to slow tropical deforestation and speed its recovery following clearing, fire or logging. But forests—broadly defined—are still falling fast.
Peru’s New Generation of Water Leaders Reach across Traditional Government Divides for Natural Infrastructure
September 4, 2018 │ Five years ago, Peru made history when its legislators included a short but groundbreaking paragraph in a new law to modernize the country’s sanitation sector. The new provision said that water utilities should invest in natural infrastructure – natural areas such as forests or grasslands that can purify water, absorb floodwaters, […]
Global Agreements Bring New Life to Voluntary Carbon Market
Voluntary carbon markets are heating up as companies and consumers are taking action on climate change. After years of at-times sluggish activity, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace’s new report called Voluntary Carbon Market Insights: 2018 Outlook and First-Quarter Trends finds that supply and demand for voluntary carbon markets hit record-highs in 2017, at 62.7 million metric tonnes of greenhouse […] News: Greater collaboration between companies and governments necessary to enhance climate action, report finds
A new report that looks at the collaborative efforts of private sector and government actors to halt deforestation in two key tropical forest nations could have lessons for countries around the world. News: The Republic of Congo: on the cusp of forest conservation
On the surface, the Republic of Congo appears to be making strides toward both conservation and economic development. But the process of becoming an emerging economy is not without its growing pains, especially when it comes to conservation and the country’s forests.
VOA News: Are Disney’s Cambodian Carbon Credits a Fantasy?
PHNOM PENH — The killing of three conservationists patrolling Cambodia’s biggest carbon credit project exposes the nearly insurmountable conflicts of interest plaguing schemes in which huge corporations such as Disney and Virgin Atlantic have invested millions of dollars, observers say.