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A Call to Action at COP25: Climate Finance Must Stop Excluding Indigenous Communities
December 10, 2019 | Madrid To stabilize the forest frontier, we need to invest directly in the communities living there. Indigenous and traditional communities control one-third of remaining tropical forests. In the Amazon, the largest tropical forest on the globe, they own 210 million hectares (or some 519 million acres). As a direct result of […]
GreenBiz: 5 takeaways from COP25’s first week
Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace released a report that showed the number of transactions in voluntary carbon markets, which help companies achieve net reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, hit a seven-year high in 2018.
Demand for Nature-based Solutions for Climate Drives Voluntary Carbon Markets to a Seven-Year High
The volume of transactions in voluntary carbon markets hit a seven-year high in 2018, according to “Financing Emissions Reductions for the Future: The State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2019,” a new report released today. The report identifies transactions equivalent to 98.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO2e), with a market value of […]
Investments in Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru Increased 30x in Five Years
According to the study “State of Investment in Natural Infrastructure” last year US $6.3 million (PEN21.3 million) was invested in natural infrastructure for water security, of which more than 90% came from public investment projects. The private sector accounts for only 6% of investment. Subnational governments are the most active funders of natural infrastructure, with […]
Diverse Stakeholders Convene to Accelerate Public, Private Investments in the Environment and Climate Action
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | Washington, D.C. More than 250 business leaders, environmental advocates, and government officials from throughout the United States and more than a dozen foreign countries will meet in Washington D.C. this week for the first Environmental Markets and Finance Summit. The focus of the summit is the acceleration of public and private […]
Despite National Ban, the Cambodian Exports of Timber into Vietnam continues – Propelled by Provincial Authorities
Significant volumes of logs and sawn wood continue to be exported from Cambodia to Vietnam, despite a ban on these exports by the Cambodian government since 1996 and numerous commitments from both countries to crack down on illegal trade, according to a new publication in Political Geography authored by Forest Trends’ Phuc Xuan To and […]
Frontier: Peace process must address natural resources governance: Forest Trends
YANGON — It is “paramount” that ceasefire and peace negotiations in Myanmar directly address the governance of natural resources that are the backbone of the economy, warns a new report by non-profit organisation Forest Trends. Natural resources, including timber, gems, oil and gas, and hydropower, generate billions of dollars each year and are inextricably linked to […]
Myanmar’s peace process stuck on lack of resource governance reforms, but federal decentralization provides a path forward
For Immediate Release | Washington, DC and Yangon, Myanmar Myanmar’s peace process has been effectively stalled, with little meaningful progress reported from negotiations between the Union Government of Myanmar (UGoM) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) who are party to the peace process. Central to this impasse is a fundamental disagreement on how to achieve federal decentralization […]
Euromoney: It’s Time to Revisit Carbon Markets
Carbon markets, particularly offsets, are shaking off their past and becoming a vital instrument for reaching CO2 reduction goals, protecting and conserving biodiversity at scale, as well as meeting many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They need to succeed.
Graphic Online: Weak law enforcement still a challenge in curbing exploitative labour practices
Weak enforcement continues to undermine efforts to tackle exploitative labour practices in the forestry sector. Despite an elaborate constitution and other laws that meet international requirements, Ghana’s lack of effective regulation enforcement impedes sustainable agricultural production at the national and international level.