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RELEASE: New open-access resource shores up carbon market integrity by putting market data in the hands of communities, small enterprise, and the public
19 September 2024: Released just in time for New York Climate Week, a Global Carbon Markets Hub allows users to explore the world’s largest database of voluntary carbon markets transactions, developed by Ecosystem Marketplace, an initiative of the nonprofit Forest Trends. “The new Hub is an attempt to improve equitable access to market information, so […]
sbt News: Conheça agroflorestas que produzem cacau e açaí no Pará
Cooperativa Agrícola Mista de Tomé-Açu, no estado, busca conscientizar os cooperados a praticarem o Sistema Agroflorestal em suas propriedades agrícolas.
Press Release: New Report Finds EU Deforestation Regulation is Compatible with WTO Rules, Despite Global Concerns
Washington, DC, 16 September, 2024 – Amidst global controversy and growing pushback from countries like Brazil, Indonesia, and India, a new report sheds light on the European Union’s (EU) landmark Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and its alignment with World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations. The report by Forest Trends concludes that the EUDR, along with similar legislation such […]
Umso Planeta: No Clima dos Biomas: Indígenas resistem e se adaptam às mudanças climáticas para proteger a Amazônia
Em meio à seca, calor e devastação ambiental, povos originários revisitam saber ancestral e desenvolvem iniciativas sustentáveis para manter a floresta em pé e garantir a própria sobrevivência.
Times Woman: Pati Ruiz Corzo: Una pionera en la conservación ambiental de Sierra Gorda (México)
Pati Ruiz Corzo, como directora de la Reserva de la Biósfera Sierra Gorda en Querétaro, fundó el Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda en 1987. Desde entonces, ha involucrado a las comunidades locales en la conservación ambiental, logrando importantes avances en reforestación, regeneración natural y en el mercado de carbono, lo que ha beneficiado a los propietarios […]
Wood Central: New EUDR Risk? Gabon Junta to Relax Rules on High-Risk Timbers
Huge volumes of kevazingo trees are exported to China as part of the country’s “manufacturing black box.” Featuring FT data.
Peru Opens Call for Bids for Investment in Natural Infrastructure to Prevent Climate Disasters Valued at US $210 Million
Peru seeks international expertise to design natural infrastructure solutions for flood and landslide risks On Friday, July 19, 2024, Peru’s National Infrastructure Authority (ANIN) presented the largest portfolio of ecosystem restoration projects in the history of Peru to tackle the challenges of El Niño and climate change. ANIN and the United Kingdom Delivery Team […]
NEXO Jornal: A nova corrida madeireira na Amazônia
Quatro anos após início da febre do pau-de-balsa, comunidades indígenas e produtores avaliam impactos de atividade que se espalhou por Equador, Peru e Colômbia.
Dialogue Earth: ‘Balsa fever’ brought hope and havoc in the Amazon. What happened next?
Four years on, producers reflect on the rush to cut and export balsa, a light wood used in wind turbine blades, which swept Ecuador and spread into Peru and Colombia. Featuring Forest Trends data.
La República: Perú invertirá 210 millones de dólares en proyectos de infraestructura natural para prevenir desastres climáticos
La Autoridad Nacional de Infraestructura (ANIN) presentó la cartera más grande de proyectos de recuperación de ecosistemas en la historia del Perú para afrontar los desafíos del Fenómeno El Niño y el Cambio Climático.