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Nong Nghiep: Remove the bottlenecks in the wood industry supply chain
The legal origin of wood products is one of the most essential requirements for Vietnam’s two main export markets, the US and the EU. This is considered a vital factor for export enterprises. Includes research from FT on where wood materials in Vietnam come from, as well as their legality.
COP 16: Peru to Showcase Achievements of MERESE Mechanism to Conserve Water Resources and Biodiversity in the Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve, Arequipa
At the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that begins on October 21 in Cali, Colombia, Peru will show the importance of the MERESE tool (Mechanism for the Remuneration of Ecosystem Services) and its application in an innovative model for the conservation and sustainable management […]
La República: COP16: Perú mostrará logros para conservar el agua y biodiversidad en Arequipa
En la Cumbre Mundial por la Biodiversidad que se desarrolla en Cali – Colombia, Perú mostrará la importancia de la herramienta y su aplicación en un modelo innovador para la conservación y gestión sostenible de los recursos hídricos y la biodiversidad.
Valuing the Priceless: Groundbreaking Biodiversity Stewardship Methodology Unveiled by Associação Sociocultural Yawanawá
Cali, Colombia – In time for United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16), the Indigenous grassroots organization Associação Sociocultural Yawanawá (ASCY) and their technical partner Wildlife Works along with Forest Trends, introduces a pioneering methodology to deliver Indigenous-centered conservation finance called Biodiversity Stewardship Units (BDSUs) aimed at meeting our global climate and conservation goals. […]
Food Navigator: Will the proposal to delay EUDR be passed?
Following months of rumours and speculation, the European Commission has proposed a 12-month delay to the current EUDR deadline. So, will the proposal be passed and what does this mean for stakeholders? Featuring insights from Kerstin Canby, Senior Director, Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance Initiative.
Vietnam News: Carbon market could bring hundreds of millions of dollars to Vietnam
If the carbon market in Vietnam is well managed and developed, it can bring in hundreds of millions of US dollars each year to the country, help protect forests, create a sustainable source of finance, and support local communities living near forests. Featuring analysis from Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director, Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance […]
Vietnam+: Vietnam’s forestry sector leads in achieving net negative emissions
Highlights from a workshop co-hosted by the Forestry Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Vietnam Association of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (VIESARD), and sponsored by Forest Trends and UK PACT.
Food Navigator: Three months to EUDR – will there be a delay?
The EUDR deadline is now just 91 days away. But is industry ready and will the EU be forced to delay? With insights from Kerstin Canby, Senior Director, Forest Policy, Trade, & Finance Initiative.
Prensa Peruana: Equipo Merese de la EPS Moquegua y comuneros de Asana realizan pasantía en Salinas y Aguada Blanca
La visita a la provincia de Caylloma en el departamento de Arequipa los días 23 y 24 de setiembre se realizó gracias a la alianza estratégica que tiene la empresa prestadora con la organización Forest Trends y tuvo la finalidad de intercambiar experiencias y aprendizajes en la ejecución de los Merese entre la EPS Moquegua, […]
andina: Autoridades del Ejecutivo y Congreso firman pacto por el agua y saneamiento
La firma del pacto se dio en el marco de la inauguración del ‘II Foro Unidos por el Agua y Saneamiento’, que reunió a representantes de organismos internacionales, expertos nacionales y extranjeros, autoridades nacionales, regionales y locales, así como actores políticos, académicos y sociales, vinculados al sector y al tema del agua potable. Este evento […]