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FT IN THE NEWS Communities Investments Water

Mongabay: Peru is tackling water scarcity with nature-based solutions, leading the way in Latin America

The Peruvian city of Moyobamba is renowned for implementing a novel nature-based solution (NBS) project. Using this success, Peru has become a world leader in scaling NBS. Water Initiative Director, Gena Gammie, shares her insight and analysis on this journey.

FT IN THE NEWS Communities Water

La República: Peruanas lideran en la gestión del agua y el uso de los recursos hídricos

Tras superar las desigualdades y brechas de género, 138 mujeres lideran en la gestión del agua y el mejor uso de los recursos hídricos en nuestro país. Durante una emotiva de ceremonia de clausura el 18 de noviembre último, las participantes de las tres ediciones del Programa de Liderazgo, promovido y financiado por la Agencia […]

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Communities Investments Water

Perú21: Medio ambiente: implementarán 29 proyectos en 2023 para proteger cabeceras de cuencaas de cuenca

El Estado peruano destina más de 800 millones de soles en la implementación y gestión de desastres para evitar huaicos y avalanchas. Los expertos en medio ambiente destacaron este tema en el Simposio Internacional “Las Montañas, Nuestro Futuro,” encabezado por la viceministra de Recursos Naturales del Ministerio del Ambiente, Fey Silva Vidal, en compañía de Guillermo […]


Vietnam Investment Review: Vietnam must confirm legit timber supply sources

Linking and creating material areas is meant to stabilize timber supply chains in Vietnam, but it remains difficult to handle shortcomings related to forestry institutions. Dr. Phuc Xuan To, Managing Director of Forest Trends’ Forest Policy, Trade, and Finance Initiative, speaks with VIR’s Hai Van about the sector’s options to develop sustainably.

RELEASE Climate Communities Forests Investments

Peoples Forests Partnership Welcomed Four Leading Indigenous Organizations as New Members at COP-27

In Coming Weeks, Additional Indigenous Organizations and Companies Expected to Join the Coalition to Scale Direct Climate Finance to Communities  November 23, 2022 / On November 14, 2022 in the COP27 in Sharm El Sheik, the Peoples Forest Partnership celebrated its Second General Assembly and reviewed membership applications from several Indigenous and local community organizations […]

RELEASE Climate Communities Forests

Peoples Forests Partnership dio la bienvenida a cuatro organizaciones indígenas líderes como nuevos miembros en la COP-27

En las próximas semanas, se espera que organizaciones y empresas indígenas adicionales se unan a la coalición para escalar el financiamiento climático directo a las comunidades 23 de noviembre de 2022 / El 14 de noviembre de 2022 en la COP27 en Sharm El Sheik, Peoples Forest Partnership celebró su Segunda Asamblea General y revisó […]

FT IN THE NEWS Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

CIFOR Forests News: Scaling up forest-based solutions for planetary crises

Forests provide many key ecosystem services and can be deployed to confront some of the biggest challenges of our time. Stephen Donofrio confirmed the rising demand in carbon markets for high-integrity, forest-based projects.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Communities Investments Water

Construyendo: Inversiones de infraestructura natural paralizadas en comunidades con déficit del agua

En muchas partes del país, las inundaciones, sequías, contaminación de los ríos u otro factor como lo que ocurre en la comunidad de Tomasa Huarcaya, han originado graves problemas a las comunidades que viven cerca, quienes se quedan sin agua para su subsistencia. Gena Gammie, representante de Forest Trends, organización internacional encargada promover proyectos de infraestructura […]

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

Forbes: Integrity Matters: UN Net Zero Group Sets Greenwash And Offsets Boundaries

The UN High Level Expert Group on Net-Zero Commitments of Non-State Actors, otherwise known as HLEG, has released recommendations on what is necessary for companies to call themselves aligned with the Paris Agreement, in its report Integrity Matters. Stephen Donofrio discusses the role of the carbon markets to accelerate action.


Vietnam+: Wood sector seeking ways to develop sustainably

A workshop in the southern province of Dong Nai called for management agencies to roll out mechanisms and policies to promote the linkage between businesses and craft villages in the wood sector. Xuan Phuc stressed the need to step up the communication work to change consumption behavior towards rare wood species, and provide training courses for […]

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Please direct all media inquiries to:

Genevieve Bennett
Director of Communications
+1 202-298-3007
[email protected]