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European Investigative Collaborators: Bois Rouge

Investigation shows how the barter of conflict timber in exchange for Wagner mercenaries works in the Central African Republic. Because of the inefficiency of the timber controls in Europe, Wagner conflict timber cannot be stopped from reaching European clients, despite existing sanctions. 11 European outlets.


Vietnam+: Vietnam’s timber industry urged to seek new opportunities in UK

While many products exported to the UK enjoyed strong increases thanks to the UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA), Vietnam’s timber industry is facing difficulties in expanding in this market, requiring manufacturers and exporters to change their business strategies.

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

Wall Street Journal: Carbon-Credit Registry Proposes Rules for Crypto Tokens

Verra, the dominant standard setter for the carbon-offset market, is proposing rules for trading carbon credits on cryptocurrency exchanges to address concerns about the anonymity of digital-token holders.

FT IN THE NEWS Communities Forests Investments

Wall Street Journal: Indigenous Peoples and Loggers Win Cash, and a Truce, From Coveted Carbon Credits

Indigenous communities on a pair of islands off Canada’s west coast have been fighting for nearly four decades to stop logging in local rainforests. This spring, the communities had a double victory. Logging was stopped on a vast collection of forest stands and a major timber company agreed to pay them millions of dollars to […]

FT IN THE NEWS Climate Investments

Wall Street Journal: Proposed Rules Aim to Build Trust in Carbon-Credit Market

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market on Wednesday published a set of standards for carbon credits and a draft framework for applying them. This group seeks to improve the quality of carbon offsets and includes climate experts and representatives of carbon-credit-market participants, nonprofits and indigenous groups.


RTS: Quand les mercenaires russes de Wagner déboisent la forêt centrafricaine

Une entreprise liée aux mercenaires russes de Wagner a mis la main depuis février 2021 sur une immense parcelle de forêt en Centrafrique. Ils ne paient pas de taxes, sont en lien avec le pouvoir. Libre à eux d’exploiter le bois presque comme ils l’entendent.

RELEASE Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Peoples Forests Partnership establishes Interim Executive Committee to drive $20 billion in rights-based climate finance directly to Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Washington DC 22 June 2022 – Founding members of the Peoples Forests Partnership signed a Constitution Act in Washington DC on 14 June 2022, formally establishing the Partnership’s Interim Executive Committee and decision-making structure and guidelines. Announced on 7 November at the United Nations climate summit (COP26) in Glasgow, the Partnership is driving rights-based climate […]

RELEASE Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Peoples Forests Partnership establece un Comité Ejecutivo Interino para impulsar el financiamiento climático basado en derechos y garantizar financiamiento directo a los Pueblos Indígenas y Comunidades Locales

Washington DC 22 junio 2022 – Los miembros fundadores de Peoples Forests Partnership firmaron el Acta Constitutiva en Washington DC el 14 de junio de 2022, establecieron formalmente el Comité Ejecutivo Interino de la Asociación y su estructura para la toma de decisiones. Anunciada el 7 de noviembre en la Cumbre Climática de las Naciones […]

RELEASE Biodiversity Climate Communities Forests Investments

Announcing FSC and Ecosystem Marketplace collaboration

We are happy to announce a three-year collaboration agreement with Forest Stewardship Council to develop shared insights regarding carbon markets and non-carbon benefits. Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace initiative has recently signed a three-year agreement with Forest Stewardship Council (FSCGD GmbH) to collaborate and develop shared insights regarding carbon markets and non-carbon benefits as they pertain […]


Vietnam News Agency: Now is the time for sustainable Vietnamese certified natural rubber: experts

Global demand for sustainable natural rubber has been increasing and expanding, and experts have said that great market opportunities will open for Vietnam if sustainable natural rubber production receives adequate Government support with enterprises determined to follow sustainable development.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Please direct all media inquiries to:

Genevieve Bennett
Director of Communications
+1 202-298-3007
[email protected]