First National Gender Equality and Water Security Forum Launched in Peru

The National Forum recognizes the importance of gender to public policies on water. Participants include Representatives of the Peruvian State, governments, and international organizations. Rosa Gálvez-Cloutier, Canadian senator of Peruvian origin and renowned researcher, will discuss the role of education in promoting water conservation and gender equality. During the event, Ministers will recognize 20 women […]

A Dispatch from Peru for World Water Day

Today is World Water Day – but in Peru, celebrations have been going on all week. Peru has transformed its water sector. Less than a decade ago, it was a country where water utilities were not allowed to invest in conserving watersheds upstream of their intakes. Now every utility nationwide sets aside a portion of […]

At Peru’s Inaugural National Water Summit, Dozens of Utilities Endorse Piuray Declaration on Natural Infrastructure

Piuray (Cusco) │ At Peru’s first National Water Summit, senior executives and general managers of 23 water utilities, representing 14 regions of Peru, signed the Piuray Declaration on November 9th, ratifying their commitment to protect the country’s source water areas and the natural environments that sustain them. The Piuray Declaration contains seven specific commitments to […]

Peru’s New Generation of Water Leaders Reach across Traditional Government Divides for Natural Infrastructure

September 4, 2018 │ Five years ago, Peru made history when its legislators included a short but groundbreaking paragraph in a new law to modernize the country’s sanitation sector. The new provision said that water utilities should invest in natural infrastructure – natural areas such as forests or grasslands that can purify water, absorb floodwaters, […]

EcoOla: Blending Business Sense And Environmental Sensibility In The Peruvian Amazon

During a trip through the Peruvian Amazon, Will Park was introduced to exotic fruits when he was rescued by local indigenous people. Since that moment, he couldn’t stop thinking of them and now runs a company called \with his wife Carla Noain – who he also met while on his quest. EcoOla has found both communities interested in working sustainably and a market that seeks their products.

US and Canadian Governments Invest US $27.5 Million in Innovative Natural Infrastructure Program to Deliver Water Security and Climate Resilience for Peru

The two countries are supporting a collaborative effort spanning government, businesses, communities, and civil society in Peru to protect the natural systems – grasslands, forests, and wetlands – that can help safeguard water supplies today, and for future generations. Importantly, this new investment in natural infrastructure will improve water security not only for major cities such as Lima, Cusco, Arequipa, Piura, and Moquegua, but also for the small towns and rural communities in Peru’s highlands.

For Cusco, Peru, an Investment in the Countryside Is an Investment in the City

Lake Piuray supplies nearly half of Cusco’s potable water, making it a critical resource for this growing city that is also one of Peru’s most important tourism hubs. There’s something else special about the lake: it is the focus of an innovative agreement between Cusco’s water utility, SEDACUSCO, and rural communities located upstream around the lake. SEDACUSCO has committed a portion of water user tariffs to protecting water quality by expanding access to rural sanitation and compensating land managers who implement sustainable agriculture and conservation practices. The agreement has increased water security for both rural communities and urban water users, and provided a platform for dialogue and cooperation.