Seminario-Taller: Aspectos jurídico-legales e institucionales de los esquemas PSA

Objetivo: Facilitar el diálogo regional sobre distintas experiencias nacionales de implementación de esquemas de compensación por servicios ecosistémicos con miras a su promoción como herramienta para el manejo, conservación y restauración de los ecosistemas. Resumen: Este taller hace parte de una serie de acciones del Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador (MAE), la Red de Interesados […]

REDD Turns Amber in Bonn and Brazil

UN negotiators meeting in Bonn, Germany, made progress on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), while delegates to the Katoomba Meeting in Cuiabá, Brazil, broadly endorsed the use of REDD financing to save the Amazon Rainforest. Ecosystem Marketplace examines the best coverage of both proceedings.

Historic Agreement at Katoomba Meeting

Governors from the Brazilian, Peruvian, and Bolivian states across which the Amazon Rainforest spreads participated in an unprecedented panel discussion in Mato Grasso at the 14th Katoomba Meeting there, and were told by Brazilian Environment Minister Carlos Minc that schemes promoting payments for ecosystem services are the Rainforest’s best hope survival. For All Your Species Needs!

Real estate developers use species banks to offset their damage to nature by paying for newly-protected habitat. It’s the ultimate "green" industry, and one worth nearly $400 million per year – despite the lack of a centralized information hub. The Ecosystem Marketplace hopes to bring the field into the 21st Century with

Designing Payment and Compensation for Ecosystem Service Schemes (PyCES) and REDD

Over one hundred and twenty people from the local government, local, national and international NGOs, and communities, convened in Iquitos, Peru from October 2-4, 2007 at a meeting hosted by the Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP), the Tropical America Katoomba Group (TAKG), the Government of Loreto and the Servicio Holandés de Cooperación […]

Forest Sequestration enters Carbon Market Down Under

In Late 2004, Australia's CO2 Group Ltd. became the first company in the world to receive accreditation for the sale of forest-based carbon sequestration credits in a functioning GHG emissions markets. The Ecosystem Marketplace takes a look at the transaction and asks how it fits in with similar attempts to deal with the issue of forest-based sequestration worldwide.