Forest Carbon Week in Review: Slogging Towards Cancun

The fallout from US elections put cap-and-trade on the chopping block at the federal level while California granted a reprieve to its embattled climate policy.  CCX announced it would be downsizing significantly, and around the world, several new countries joined up with multilateral REDD funds whom are just now beginning to share their thinking caps.  And as always, there’s the scandals…

El I Congreso de Redes de Servicios Ambientales en Ibero América

Objetivo General: Iniciar un proceso de articulación conjunta entre redes de profesionales interesados en la aplicación del concepto de –’servicios ambientales’ dentro de programas de conservación y uso sostenible de los recursos naturales en los paí­ses Ibero Americanos. Agenda y Presentaciones DOWNLOAD AGENDA DOWNLOAD PARTICIPANT LIST PRESENTACIONES DEL PRIMER DIA Introduccion al Congreso, Jan Börner  […]

This Week in Forest Carbon: News and Shenanigans

This week, the REDD world is reflecting on the conclusions from Nagoya and preparing for the upcoming talks in Cancun.  The news from the past two weeks has spanned coverage of everything from the forest world’s concern over corruption to the positive developments in national REDD efforts to a new way to assess forest carbon stores.  The latest in Forest Carbon News.

Following the REDD+ Money Trail

REDD+ and financing have been focus topics this week at Nagoya as delegates discuss efforts to halt biodiversity loss.  A report launched this week examines REDD+ projects already underway, with an emphasis on infrastructure and financing.  Here is a breakdown of the report:

REDD+ Partnership Talks Stall in Blur of Finger-Pointing

REDD+ Partnership talks officially launched on Monday after a weekend workshop.  Since then, the Partners haven’t completed a single agenda item, and a large number of donors, recipients, and stakeholders lay the blame on co-chairs Papua New Guinea and Japan.  A spokesperson for the Rainforest Coalition, however, says donors are stalling to avoid paying their share.

This Week in Forest Carbon

Carbon standards define all the actions and outputs that constitute a bona fide emission reduction, and they’ve been front-and-center these past few weeks.  In our bi-weekly wrap of the world’s top stories in forest carbon, we have news from China’s Panda Standard, North America’s American Carbon Registry, the UK’s Woodland Carbon Code, and the global Voluntary Carbon Standard.

Katoomba Group Meeting: Curso: Pago por Servicios Ambientales y REDD para Líderes Comunitarios

Forest Trends, la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional de los Estados Unidos de América, la Unidad de Apoyo de la Iniciativa para la Conservación en la Amazoní­a Andina, Translinks, el Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental de la Amazoní­a, la Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica, la Organización para Estudios Tropicales y la Sociedad Peruana […]

Katoomba Group Meeting: Emerging Opportunities in Payments for Ecosystem Services and Hydrological Resources

The goal of this series of public and private meetings was to explore, and advise on, opportunities for payments for ecosystem services with Peruvian governmental authorities. Specific issues included legal and policy needs, management of financing, and valuation of environmental services to protect watersheds and maintain water quality. A small private meeting–between MINAM, SPDA, Peru’s […]

Green Resources Is First to Achieve Validation for Tree-Planting under VCS

Norwegian forestry and carbon offset group Green Resources last week became the first carbon offset project developer to register a reforestation project under the Voluntary Carbon Standard’s guidelines for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry, and land use. This week, a second project was also verified – and plenty of others are sure to follow.