Rights, Distribution, Risks and Benefits

For REDD+ and forest carbon initiatives to work, it is important to understand the applicable legal framework in any given host country and locality in order to gain clarity about issues of ownership, authorization, benefit-distribution, and other practical matters. This article outlines the legal framework for forest carbon in Peru, with a particular focus on […]

Derechos, Distribución, Riesgos y Beneficios

con conservación, manejo sostenible de los bosques, y el aumento de carbono en los bosques) es muy importante entender el marco jurídico aplicable a fin de tener claridad sobre las cuestiones de propiedad, autorización, distribución de beneficios y otros asuntos prácticos. Este artículo describe el ordenamiento legal para el carbono forestal en el Perú, con […]

This Week in Forest Carbon: Translating Data

With forest carbon projects continuing to expand in Latin America and French-speaking Africa, the Ecosystem Marketplace team is excited to announce the translation of the State of the Forest Carbon report into Spanish and French.  Details on this and other news from the world of Forest Carbon inside.

Ghana Measures Forests from Sky and Land

Cash-strapped countries hope to earn carbon credits for saving their rainforests, but many fear their gains will be wiped out by the high cost of documenting the carbon they capture in trees. Ghana hopes to change that by blending satellite technology with ground-truthing in a way that they say is both cheap and effective.

This Week in Forest Carbon: Before Durban…

Forest Carbon Portal and Ecosystem Marketplace are gearing up for COP17 – but there is plenty of news to keep us occupied until then.  The UNFCC solicited views on the implications of a policy change around A/R CDM project activities.  And biofuels were under scrutiny in two reports.  Read these articles and more inside this week’s Forest Carbon News.

This Week in Biodiversity: $100 million in Conservation Easements

August is normally a pretty slow news month, but we’re seeing lots of interesting projects these days.  Like the Forest Stewardship Council piloting ecosystem service management indicators in their certification.  And landowners recieving $100 million in conservation easements for 24,000 acres of Florida wetlands.  Plus, the Ecosystem Marketplace and Mission Markets webinar is now available for streaming.

This Week in V-Carbon: When Your Best isn’t Good Enough

Try as they might, carbon offset suppliers and infrastructure providers will be ever-challenged by carbon controversies. So the market continues to band together to make Best Practice… well, better. In this issue (our biggest yet!) we bring you news of market efforts to preempt – or counterattack – assaults to the market’s claims to legitimacy.