This week in Forest Carbon: Inching Toward Improvements

Brazil makes strides by launching a new and improved satellite system for deforestation-related emissions measurements, and the first Latin American forest carbon offset project verified under the American Carbon Registry. Ghana and Ecuador also inch toward improvements as Ghana potentially sees REDD+ funds stream from Norway and Ecuador kicks off its UN-REDD National Programme.  

This week in Forest Carbon: Inching Toward Improvements

Brazil makes strides by launching a new and improved satellite system for deforestation-related emissions measurements, and the first Latin American forest carbon offset project verified under the American Carbon Registry. Ghana and Ecuador also inch toward improvements as Ghana potentially sees REDD+ funds stream from Norway and Ecuador kicks off its UN-REDD National Programme.  

La compensation des atteintes à la biodiversité à l’étranger

French language version: This study by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) examines the implementation of offsets globally, identifying best practices in order to inform the French regulatory and methodological framework on offsets. To do this, 29 countries were surveyed (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Chile, China, the Czech Republic, […]

La compensation des atteintes à la biodiversité à l’étranger

French language version: This study by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) examines the implementation of offsets globally, identifying best practices in order to inform the French regulatory and methodological framework on offsets. To do this, 29 countries were surveyed (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Chile, China, the Czech Republic, […]

Compensating for damage to biodiversity

This study by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) examines the implementation of offsets globally, identifying best practices in order to inform the French regulatory and methodological framework on offsets. To do this, 29 countries were surveyed (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, […]

Compensating for damage to biodiversity

This study by the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) examines the implementation of offsets globally, identifying best practices in order to inform the French regulatory and methodological framework on offsets. To do this, 29 countries were surveyed (Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, […]

This Week in V-Carbon: At The Water Cooler

The Olympics get Sandbagged. Carbon for water draws interest on dual fronts as Triple Quest seeks Gold Standard validation for its water purification project in Kenya, while new opportunities to monetize blue carbon incubate in the voluntary carbon space. Meanwhile, rainforest projects gain traction under Plan Vivo in Sri Lanka and VCS in Peru.

Tracking REDD+ Finance:Separating The Payers From The Posers

Developed countries have vowed to help the developing world get up to speed on REDD, and many say they’re putting up billions towards the effort. Few, however, have actually followed through on their promises, and those who say they have aren’t doing a good job of proving it. The REDD+ Expenditures Tracking Project aims to change that. First in a series.

This Week In Forest Carbon: We The People

Tanzania launches public consultation on a draft of its national REDD+ strategy. The Democratic Republic of Congo’s drafting of its own national REDD+ strategy is on the rocks, as civic society organizations criticize its lack of community engagement. Across the Pacific, WOCAN, Pact, and RRI release new studies on women’s involvement in forest management in Asia.