REDD Talks Make Their Mark

On Earth Day, stakeholders from non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and both the public and private sector gathered to discuss REDD+ and US & international climate change policy. An array of speakers presented the environmental and social benefits of carbon finance as well as forest carbon projects currently underway, seeking to highlight the role of corporate business in addressing deforestation in tropical forests.

This Week In Forest Carbon: Lessons For Government Oversight

The Darkwoods Forest Carbon Project controversy continues to unravel, revealing essential documents and highlighting the role of government oversight in future carbon offset project developments. Meanwhile, California Governor Jerry Brown’s approval of the proposal to tie California’s cap-and-trade scheme to Quebec’s builds capacity for prospective linkages between project-level activities like REDD+ and established emissions trading schemes.

This Week In V-Carbon: Hedging Against Open Fire

Ghana and Sudan register projects for clean cookstoves, while Peru wins support for forest carbon projects from Disney and Latam Airlines. The Partnership for Market Readiness helps ready countries’ market-based plans for emission reductions, while clean air experts in the US examine prospects for markets within federal GHG regulations on power plants and prospective carbon tax legislation.

Engaging With Indigenous Peoples On REDD+

Over 30 representatives of Indigenous Peoples worldwide have gathered at a Forest Carbon Partnership Facility’s (FCPF) workshop on REDD+ which, Benoit Bosquet of the FCPF says was less focused on the possible worrying impacts and more on how Indigenous communities can benefit and become active participants in the REDD+ process.

This Week In Biodiversity: New Beginnings

The newly formed Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services has wrapped up its first plenary and named its first head and a new report analyzes opportunities and barriers for biodiversity offsets in the EU. Meanwhile, PUMA has released results from its natural capital methodology and the Global Nature Fund’s Joost Baker discusses private sector engagement.