This Week In V-Carbon: A Walk Through The Alto Mayo Forest

Validated under the Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards, Conservation International’s REDD project in the Alto Mayo forest of Peru has generated 3 MtC02 in emissions reductions to date with 400,000 of that attributed to Disney, a key supporter of the project with a $3.5 million contribution and slated for another multi-million dollar donation.

This Week In Forest Carbon: President Obama’s Climate Action Plan Includes REDD+

This week, President Barack Obama announced his decision to create new pollution standards for power plants. In addition to limiting greenhouse gas emissions from large emitters, the president’s Climate Plan also addresses the role of domestic forests in mitigating climate change as well as REDD and the administration’s commitment to reducing global land-use-related emissions.

This Week In Forest Carbon: The State Of The Voluntary Carbon Markets Report Launches

On Thursday June 20th, Maneuvering the Mosaic will launch in Washington, D.C. The event will take place from 4:30-6:00PM and will be followed by a reception. This year’s report highlights key forestry-related developments such as a heightened demand for carbon offsets from forestry projects certified to the VCS and CCB as well as an increase in afforestation/reforestation projects.

This Week In Water: Dispatches From Katoomba

Ecosystem Marketplace returns from Katoomba XVIII in Beijing full of stories, podcasts and videoblogs on the meeting that focused on forests, water and people.  Upon returning, EM turns its attention to new White House guidance on water investments and an innovative wastewater treatment wetlands project in the Colorado Delta.  

Disney y el bosque de ensueño

Una extensión boscosa en el Perú se beneficia con un proyecto en el cual invierte Walt Disney Company. Los acuerdos de conservación con cafetaleros no son una fantasía. Casi en la cima del monte frondoso, poblado de ingentes árboles y envuelto en una dulce neblina, Segundo Guevara nos recibe en una suerte de cabañita de […]

Can Katoomba 18 HelpThe Miyun Reservoir?

More than 200 delegates to Katoomba 18 from as far away as Peru, Switzerland, and Ghana will be spending the next three days in China’s troubled Miyun Reservoir. Their aim: to trade experiences, share lessons learned, and make recommendations to project developers at Miyun on designing and implementing effective watershed investments.


Katoomba XVIII: Forests, Water, and People

í‚  í‚  Continuing the tradition of 17 previous international Katoomba meetings, Katoomba XVIII: Forests, Water, and People will gather leading experts, practitioners, policymakers, and investors from China and abroad to advance nature-based solutions to the water crisis for an urbanizing world. Water resources are increasingly jeopardized by climate change, pollution, watershed degradation, and misuse, with […]

Inversiones en Protección Hídrica: Reporte del Webinar “Un Panorama de América Latina”

El  10 de Abril de 2013, Valorando Naturaleza junto con el Programa de Agua del Ecosystem Marketplace de Forest Trends organizó el seminario web: “Inversiones en Protección Hídrica: Un Panorama de América Latina”. Sesenta participantes provenientes de dieciocho (18)  países – incluyendo doce (12) de América Latina y el Caribe presenciaron este primer webinar sobre […]