This Week In V-Carbon: Insuring The Future

In an uncertain market, voluntary carbon offset projects are exploring new security with political risk insurance. Projects in Cambodia and Nicaragua have successfully obtained risk insurance from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) respectively. In addition to mitigating risk, project developer EcoPlanet Bamboo also saw lowered interest rates to access capital from political risk insurance.

Julio Tresierra, un transformador de vidas

Un sociólogo peruano ha logrado demostrar que la conservación y el desarrollo económico no son antagónicos. Gracias a su propuesta, muchos campesinos que viven en extrema pobreza pueden conservar los recursos hídricos y, a la vez, obtener importantes ingresos. Centenares de familias han sido beneficiadas en Guatemala, Perú e Indonesia. Hoy, la propuesta de Julio […]

Establecen lineamientos e instrumentos de REDD+ en Ecuador

Este abril, el gobierno ecuatoriano presentó un Acuerdo Ministerial que establece lineamientos e instrumentos de regulación para el mecanismo REDD+ en el territorio nacional.  Como parte del proceso para definir la reglamentación, se estipula el desarrollo de nuevos artículos legales para su implementación. Valorando Naturaleza comparte algunas reacciones sobre la regulación propuesta y señala algunos […]

Cookstoves Program Aims To Spread Devices Across Africa And Asia

This year’s State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2013 report showed that carbon markets are funneling more and more money into projects that distribute low-carbon cookstoves. Now, a new initiative seeks to propel the adoption of these offset projects even further, with an eye toward contributing to the dissemination of two million improved cookstoves by 2017 in Southeast Asia and West Africa.

This Week in Forest Carbon: Lessons From Vietnam

A new Forest Trends brief compares and contrasts case studies from two villages in Vietnam to highlight the implications of illegal logging on REDD+ and FLEGT as well as the role of community participation and land tenure agreements in forest governance. Meanwhile the Ecosystem Marketplace Carbon Program gears up for its final round of data collection in preparation for the 2013 State of the Forest Carbon Markets report.