This Week In V-Carbon: UN Negotiators Consider “Nesting” of Current Forest Carbon Projects

Project developers responding to our just-released 2013 State of the Forest Carbon Markets report estimated that they could deliver 1.4 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions reductions in the next five years. However, demand on this scale would have to come from compliance markets – markets that hinge on methodologies currently being hashed out in Warsaw.

Indígenas amazónicos discuten en Varsovia avances y desafíos que ven en REDD+ en la cuenca amazónica

Representantes de alianzas indígenas de América Latina presentaron en el arranque de la COP19 en Varsovia, Polonia sus perspectivas sobre REDD Indígena y el camino hacia la solución climática mundial. COICA y AIDESEP hablaron de sus acciones y las que esperan ver en este encuentro internacional, así como sus pasos hacia la COP20 en ‘su […]

This Week In Forest Carbon: State Of The Forest Carbon Markets Report Launched!

Key findings from Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the Forest Carbon Markets 2013 report, which was published last week, includes market growth by 9% while the global average price for forestry offsets decreased. However, it was still higher than prices paid by voluntary buyers across all offset project types. The report tracked forest carbon management over a land area larger than Ecuador. 

This Week In Water: A Good Month For Green Infrastructure

The past month saw movement in the green infrastructure space with an assessment on green infrastructure valuation tools and a $50 million fund slated to implement natural infrastructure upgrades in Chicago. Also this month, two papers from Forest Trends offering thoughts on the social impact assessment of investments in watershed services programs.

Julio Tresierra: Transforming Lives With Investments In Watershed Services

A Peruvian sociologist dedicated to poverty alleviation has helped implement a version of payments for watershed services projects in impoverished nations like Guatemala, Peru and Indonesia with the help of WWF. The initiatives have led to a host of benefits for the local populations and ecosystems and now have the Chinese government as well as other nations interested in the model.