This Week In V-Carbon: Rooting for Country And Carbon

There’s much for environmentalists to cheer for as the Super Bowl ends and the Olympic Games begin. The annual football fest is fighting for status as the greenest sporting event ever held in the New York metropolitan area, while the Sochi winter games plans to offset all of their direct emissions from the Olympics. In other news, the European Union might adopt a proposal to ban the use of the credits in its emissions trading system.

This Week In Water: Companies Manage Risk At Its Source

Ecosystem Marketplace’s briefing for the business community on water risk, published this month, provides the sector with nature-based solutions to their water challenges while citing companies that have already met with success using this approach. Preparations are underway for two upcoming Katoomba events-one in Brazil in March and the other in Peru in April. 

This Week In Forest Carbon News…

A sustainable agriculture project in the Nyanza and Western Provinces in Kenya became the first to market offsets from carbon sequestered in soils, with financing flowing to smallholders. But elsewhere in Kenya, in the Embobut forest, the Sengwer people are being evicted from their homes.

COP President Aims To Plug Knowledge Holes In Amazon Nations

The Amazon region faces growing threats to its water, energy, food and health as climate change accelerates, and Peru is one of the nations that’s proven most adept at meeting that challenge. The country’s Environment Minister, who is also presiding over this year’s UN climate talks, says his country still has plenty of learning to do – and recommended a bit of homework.

This Week In V-Carbon: Greening In The New Year

Despite the cold start here in D.C., January is blooming with carbon news. Quebec and California started off the year by officially linking markets, while a sustainable agriculture project in Kenya became the first to verify credits from carbon sequestration in soils under VCS in mid-January. These new developments only enhance 2013’s top stories, also featured in this Special 2014 New Year Edition.

This Week In Forest Carbon…

We take a look back at the forest carbon highlights in 2013, a year of supply-side success and demand-side growing pains. In this newsletter, our expert readers offer their predictions for the New Year, including continued momentum on landscape approaches for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the prominence of forestry in the upcoming international climate negotiations in Lima.

2013: El Año en Agua

Al dar un vistazo hacia el 2013 en el tema de agua, nuestro sitio hermano, el Ecosystem Marketplace  encuentra que el año estuvo marcado por eventos como la reunión Katoomba en Beijing y el lanzamiento del Reporte sobre Inversiones hídricas. Los programas de inversión en cuencas de agua tuvieron un aumento al este de África […]

2013: The Year in Water

As Ecosystem Marketplace looks back over water in 2013, it finds the year was marked by events like the Katoomba meeting in Beijing and the watershed payments report launch. Watershed investment programs were on the rise in East Africa where participants include flower-growers along Kenya’s Lake Naivasha and Tanga, Tanzania’s water utility.